Operation and Maintenance : Water Supply SystemsSection 1: Introduction - ufc_3_230_020022Organization of HandbookSection 2: Applicable DocumentsSection 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020025Section 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020026Section 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020027Section 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020028Section 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020029Section 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020030Section 2: Applicable Documents -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020031Section 3: Utility ManagementSection 3: Utility Management -Cont.Water Distribution - ufc_3_230_020034Pressure Regulating StationsCertification - ufc_3_230_020036Operating RecordsMaintenance - ufc_3_230_020038Regulations Affecting Water SystemsEPA RegulationsSection 4: Water SupplyAquifer PerformanceFigure 1: Effects of Overlapping Field of Influence -Pumped WellsMeasuring Water Levels and DrawdownFigure 2: Using Air Line to Find Depth of Water LevelChecking for Safe Pumping YieldPreparing the DisinfectantTable 1: Gallons (Liters) of Water Per Foot (Meters) of Depth for Various Well DiametersWell Maintenance and RehabilitationCleaning Well ScreensTable 2: Materials Required for 100 Gallons (400 Liters) of Chlorine SolutionPhosphate TreatmentJet CleaningTable 3: Jetting Nozzle DischargeFigure 3: Jetting Tool for Well ScreeningSonic Process CleaningBackwashing and SurgingTable 4: Eductor Submergence Required for Various Well DepthsFigure 4: Piping Arrangement for Backwashing and BackblowingRepairing Well ScreensTable 6: Maintenance Checklist for Groundwater SuppliesTable 6: Maintenance Checklist for Groundwater Supplies -Cont.Maintaining Infiltration GalleriesWell RecordsTable 7: Maintenance Checklist for Surface Water SuppliesEarth and Rockfill DamsControl of Nuisance OrganismsLow-Lift PumpsBiological CharacteristicsSection 5:Water TreatmentSection 5:Water Treatment -Cont.Coagulation and FlocculationDisinfection - ufc_3_230_020073Control of Corrosion and ScalingMembrane ProcessesVOCs GroupDBPs GroupTreatmentState Approval of TreatmentTable 8: Chemicals Used in Water TreatmentTable 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020081Table 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020082Table 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020083Table 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020084Table 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020085Table 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020086Table 8: Chemicals Used in Water Treatment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020087Table 9: Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal SummaryTable 9: Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal Summary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020089Table 9: Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal Summary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020090Disposal MethodsDischarge to Sanitary SewerLaboratory Control TestsSection 6: Pumps and DriversTable 10: Comparison of Pump Discharge and HeadCauses of CavitationTable 11: Routine Operations Checklist for Centrifugal PumpsTable 11: Routine Operations Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020098Table 11: Routine Operations Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020099Table 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal PumpsTable 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-Cont. - ufc_3_230_020101Table 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-Cont. - ufc_3_230_020102Table 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-Cont. - ufc_3_230_020103Table 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-Cont. - ufc_3_230_020104Table 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-Cont. - ufc_3_230_020105Table 12: Troubleshooting Checklist for Centrifugal Pumps-Cont. - ufc_3_230_020106Operating Instructions for Progressive Cavity PumpsTable 13: Troubleshooting Checklist for Progressive-Cavity PumpsMaintenance Procedures for Centrifugal PumpsTable 14: Lubrication Schedule for Centrifugal-Type Pumps - ufc_3_230_020110Table 14: Lubrication Schedule for Centrifugal-Type Pumps - ufc_3_230_020111Table 15: Hand Oiler AdjustmentTable 16: Guide for Stuffing Box InspectionTable 16: Guide for Stuffing Box Inspection -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020114Table 16: Guide for Stuffing Box Inspection -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020115Wearing or Sealing RingsTable 17: Maintenance Checklist for BearingsTable 17: Maintenance Checklist for Bearings -Cont.Figure 5: Types of Wearing (Sealing) RingOverhaul ProceduresRotary-Displacement PumpsPacking Procedures for Reciprocating Sludge PumpsShear Pins in Reciprocating Sludge PumpsCentrifugal Well PumpsCentrifugal Well Pumps -Cont.Reciprocating Well PumpsEjector PumpsGasoline and Diesel EnginesTable 18: Startup Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps - ufc_3_230_020129Table 18: Startup Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps - ufc_3_230_020130Figure 6: Typical ell Pumping and Recovery TestTable 19: Troubleshooting Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well PumpsTable 19: Troubleshooting Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020133Table 19: Troubleshooting Checklist for Vertical Turbine Well Pumps -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020134Table 20: Routine Operations Checklist for Electric MotorsTable 21: Operations Checklist for Gasoline and Diesel EnginesBelt DrivesRight-Angle Gear DrivesChecking Coupling AlignmentRecordkeepingElectrical DevicesSection 7: Distribution and StorageDistribution System Design and InstallationFlushingTable 22: Checklist for Repairing Water Main Breaks and LeaksTable 23: Flow Rate and Number of Hydrant Outlets Required to Flush Water Mains with 40 psi (280 kPa) of PressureOperational ChangesThawing Frozen SystemsTable 24: Current and Voltage Required to Thaw Wrought-Iron and Cast-Iron PipeWater Main Tapping ProceduresGround Storage ReservoirsPneumatic TanksWater Storage Facility SafetySection 8: Valves and HydrantsDistribution System ValvesTable 25: Maintenance Checklist for Valves and AccessoriesTable 25: Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020157Table 25: Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020158Table 25: Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020159Table 25: Maintenance Checklist for Valves and Accessories -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020160Maintenance ProceduresHydrant InspectionTable 26: Maintenance Checklist for Fire HydrantsHydrant FlushingHydrant SafetySection 9:I & C and Water MetersWater MetersInstrument Maintenance and RepairTable 27: Maintenance Checklist for Flow, Pressure, and Level SensorsTable 27: Maintenance Checklist for Flow, Pressure, and Level Sensors -Cont.Indicator, Register, and Recorder MaintenanceTable 28: Maintenance Checklist for Transmission SystemsTable 28: Maintenance Checklist for Transmission Systems -Cont.Table 29: Maintenance Checklist for Indicators, Registers, and RecordersCombination Totalizer Indicator-RecorderTable 30: Maintenance Checklist for Water MetersTable 31: Maintenance Checklist for Weirs and FlumesSection 10: Cross Connection Control and Backflow PreventionTable 32: Approved Backflow DevicesSelection and Installation of Backflow PreventersMaintenance of Backflow PreventersRecords of InspectionSection 11: General MaintenanceMaintenance InspectionsMaintenance InformationComponentsMaintenance PersonnelRemoving Equipment from ServiceRoutine InspectionsElectric MotorsRegular MaintenanceSedimentation Basins and ClarifiersTable 34: Maintenance Checklist for Aeration EquipmentTable 34: Maintenance Checklist for Aeration Equipment -Cont.Table 35: Maintenance Checklist for Rapid Mix, Flocculation, and Sedimentation BasinsTable 35: Maintenance Checklist for Rapid Mix, Flocculation, and Sedimentation Basins -Cont.Upflow Clarifiers and Solids Contact UnitsTable 36: Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration EquipmentTable 36: Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration Equipment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020199Table 36: Maintenance Checklist for Gravity Filtration Equipment -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020200Filter MediaFilter Media -Cont.Media ExpansionFigure 7: Backwash Rate for Media CleaningFigure 8: Miltiple Hook GageLoss of Filter MediaFilter Underdrain SystemWash Water TroughsRate ControllersMechanically Operated Loss-of-Head GageMercury-Float-Type Rate-of-Flow GagesPressure FiltersPrecoat FiltersOperating ConditionsOperating Conditions -Cont.Table 37: Maintenance Checklist for Ion-Exchange Softening UnitsDemineralization EquipmentCarbon Dioxide Gas Feeders and Evaporator UnitsVapor-Compression Distillation UnitsMaintenance Procedure ScheduleTable 38: Maintenance Checklist for Distillation EquipmentGeneral InformationTable 39: Maintenance Checklist for CompressorsTable 39: Maintenance Checklist for Compressors -Cont.Table 39: Maintenance Checklist for Compressors -Cont. Types of LubricantsTable 40: Lubricating Oils, Greases, and Preservatives - ufc_3_230_020227Table 40: Lubricating Oils, Greases, and Preservatives - ufc_3_230_020228Table 41: Lubricating Oil and Grease Uses - ufc_3_230_020229Table 41: Lubricating Oil and Grease Uses - ufc_3_230_020230Table 41: Lubricating Oil and Grease Uses - ufc_3_230_020231Lubricating PrecautionsLubricating Precautions -Cont.Identifying Lubricant ItemsGas ChlorinatorsTable 42: Troubleshooting Checklist for Solution-Feed, Vacuum-Operated Gas Chlorinators - ufc_3_230_020236Table 42: Troubleshooting Checklist for Solution-Feed, Vacuum-Operated Gas Chlorinators - ufc_3_230_020237Table 43: Maintenance Checklist for Chlorination EquipmentLiquid Chlorine EvaporatorsHypochlorite Solution FeedersTable 44: Maintenance Checklist for Dry Chemical FeedersPaint Systems for Steel Storage TanksTable 45: Calibration Tests for Dry Chemical FeedersTable 45: Calibration Tests for Dry Chemical Feeders -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020245Table 45: Calibration Tests for Dry Chemical Feeders -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020246Table 46: Maintenance Checklist for Solution Chemical FeedersTable 46: Maintenance Checklist for Solution Chemical Feeders -Cont.Table 47: Maintenance Checklist for Storage FacilitiesTable 47: Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020250Table 47: Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020251Table 47: Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020252Table 47: Maintenance Checklist for Storage Facilities -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020253Paint Application MethodsCathodic Protection for Steel TanksCorrosion-Preventive CompoundsChain DriveTable 48. Troubleshooting Checklist for Chain DrivesEquipment and SuppliesTable 49: Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants (1)Table 49: Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants Table 49: Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants -Cont.Table 49: Suggested Tools for Water Treatment Plants -Cont.Table 50: Suggested Equipment for Water Treatment PlantsTable 51: Suggested Materials and Supplies for Water Treatment Plants - ufc_3_230_020265Table 51: Suggested Materials and Supplies for Water Treatment Plants - ufc_3_230_020266Section 12: Swimming Pool OperationsTable 52: Monthly Operating Checklist for Swimming PoolsTable 53: Troubleshooting Checklist for Swimming PoolsTable 53: Troubleshooting Checklist for Swimming Pools -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020270Table 53: Troubleshooting Checklist for Swimming Pools -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020271Section 13: Safety and HealthAppendix A: Sample CalculationsAppendix A: Sample Calculations -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020274Appendix A: Sample Calculations -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020275Appendix A: Sample Calculations -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020276Appendix A: Sample Calculations -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020277Glossary - ufc_3_230_020289Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020290Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020291Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020292Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020293Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020294Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020295Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020296Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020297Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020298Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020299Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020300Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020301Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020302Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020303Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020304Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020305Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020306Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020307Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020308Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020309Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020310Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020311Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020312Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020313Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020314Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020315Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020316Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020317Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020318Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020319Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020320Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020321Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_230_020322