Seismic Design for Buildings - indexPerformance ObjectivesSeismic and Designan And ProceduresFigure 1-1. Performance and structural deformation demand for ductile structures.Figure 1-2 Performance And Structural deformation Demand Nonductile StructuresMinimum Analytical Pro ceduresQuality Assurance - ufc_3_310_03a0021General - ufc_3_310_03a0022Figure 2-1. Description Of Acceleration Response SpectrumSite Hazards Other than Ground Motion.Behavior of Structures.Fundamentals of Seismic Design.Lateral-Force-Resisting Systems.Figure 2-2 . Vertical Elements Of the Lateral Force Resisting Systems.Configuration and Simplicity.RedundancyDuctile vs. Brittle Response.Connectivity.Elements that Connect BuildingsAlternatives to the Prescribed Provisions.Chapter 3. Ground Motion And Geological Hazards AssessmentDesign Parameters for Ground Motion ADesign Parameters for Ground Motion A - ContinuedTable 3-1. Site ClassificationTable 3-2a. Values of F As A Function Of Site Class And Mapped Short- Period Spectral Response Acceleration S.Modal Analysis Procedure. Figure 3-1. Seismic Coefficient, Cs.Figure 3-2. Design Response SpecturalModal forces, deflections, and drifts.Design values for sites outside the U.S.Design values for sites outside the U.S. - ContinuedTable 3-3Table 3-3 cont.Tabnle 3-3 cont.Design Parameters for Ground Motion B.Site-Specific Determination Of Ground Motion.General Approaches.Overview of Methodology.Characterizing Earthquake Sources.Figure 3-3. Development of response spectrum based on a fixed spectrum shapeFigure 3-4. Development of equal-hazard response spectrum from probabilistic seismic Figure 3-5. Major Active in California ( After Wesnousky, 1986).Figure 3-6. Cross Section through Puget Sound. Washington, Showing Subbduction Zone ( from nolson And Others. 1988).Recurrence relationships. Recurrence Relationships Recurrence relationships. Recurrence Relationships - ContinuedFigure 3-7 Relation between earthquake magnitude and rupture areaFigure 3-8. Diagrammatic characteristic earthquake recurrence relationship for an individualFigure 3-9. Comparison Of Exponential and Characteristics Earhquake Magnitude Distributions.Characterizing Ground Motion Attenuation.Characterizing Ground Motion Attenuation. - ContinuedFigures 3-10. Example of Attenuation Relationships For Response Spectral Accelerations (5% Damping).Figure 3-11. Example Of Ground Motion Data Scatter for a Single Earhtquake ( From Seed And ldriss. 1982).Concluding Probabilistics Seismis Hazard AnalysesDeveloping Response Spectra from the PSHAFigure 3-12. Example seismic hazard curve showing relationship between peak ground acceleration Accounting for Local Site Effects on Response Spectra.Accounting for Local Site Effects on Response Spectra. - ContinuedFigure 3-13. Construction Of Equal- Hazard Spectra.Figure 3-14. Response spectra and ratio of response spectra for ground motions recordedSpecial Characteristics of Ground Motion For Near-Source Earthquakes.Vertical Ground Motions. Figure 3-15. Schematic Of Site Response Analysis .Figure 3-16. Acceleration and velocity time histories for the strike-normalGeologic Hazards.Geologic Hazards. - ContinuedFigure 3-17. Distance dependency of response spectral ratio (V/H) for M 6.5 at rockChapter 4. Application of Criteria Table 4-1 Seismic Use GroupsTable 4-1 Seismic Use Groups - ContinuedSeismic Use Groups.Seismic Design Categories.Table 4-2a Seismic Design Category Based on Short Period Response AccelerationsOverstrength.Structural Performance LevelsDesign Ground Motions.Table 4-4. Structural System Performance ObjectivesTable 4-5 Step-by-Step Procedures for Performance Objective 1A (Life Safety) - ufc_3_310_03a0094Table 4-5 Step-by-Step Procedures for Performance Objective 1A (Life Safety) - ufc_3_310_03a0095Performance Pbjectives For Nonstructural Systems And ComponentsFigure 4-1. Flow Chart for Performance Objective 1A (All Buildings)Table 4-6. Step-by-Step Procedures For Enhanced Performance Objectives With Linear Elastic Analyses Using M FactorsFigure 4-2. Flow Chart For Performance Objective 2A ( Seismic Use Group II Buildings)Figure 4-3. Flow Chart For Performance Objective 2B ( Seismic Use Group III Buiildings )Table 4-7 . Step-by Step Procedure for Enhanced Performance Objective With Nonlinear Elastic Static AnalysisTable 4-7. Step-by- Step Procedure for Enhanced Performance Objective With Nonlinear Elastic Static AnalysisFigure 4-4. Flow Chart for Performance Objective 3B ( Seismic Use Group III E Buildings )Chapter 5. Analysis ProceduresLinear Elastic Static Procedure .Linear Elastic Dynamic Procedure.When Nonlinear Procedures are Required.When Nonlinear Procedures are Required. - ContinuedFigure 5-1: In- Plane Discontinuity in Lateral SystemFigure 5-2: Typical Building With Out- Of Place Offset Irregularity.Limitations on Use of the ProcedureModeling and Analysis Criteria.Period determination.Figure 5-3: Calculation of Effective Stiffness KDetermination of Actions and Deformations.Determination of Actions and Deformations. - ContinuedTarget displacement.Target Replacement Cont.Table 5-2: Values for Modification Factor C.Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure.Alternative Rational Analyses.Chapter 6. Acceptance Criteria Table 6-1. Allowable Story Drift,? (in, or mm)Enhanced Performance Objectives.General. - ufc_3_310_03a0125Figure 6-1 General Component Behavior CurvesGeneral. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0127General. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0128General. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0129Figure 6-2. Idealized Component Load Versus Deformation Curves for Depicting Component Modeling and AcceptabilityForce-controlled actions.Nonlinear Static Procedure.Actions and Deformations.Concrete Moment Frames. - ufc_3_310_03a0134Reinforced concrete shear walls. - ufc_3_310_03a0135Reanalysis.Figure 6-3. Definition of Chord RotationFigure 6-4. Plastic Hinge Rotation in Shear Wall Where Flexure Dominates Inelastic ResponseReinforced concrete shear walls. - ufc_3_310_03a0139Reinforced masonry shear wallsFigure 6-5. Chord Rotation for Shear Wall Coupling BeamsChapter 7. Structure Systems And ComponentsTable 7-1. Design Coefficients And Factors for Basic Seismic - Force Resisting SystemsTabnle 7-1 (Cont'd) Design Coefficients and Factors for Basic Seismic- Force - Resisting - SystemsTable 7-1. (cont'd) Design Coefficients And Factors for Basic Seismic- Force - Resisting SystemsTable 7-1( cont'd ) Design Coefficients and Factors for Basic Seismic- Force Resisting Systems Table 7-1-( Cont'd ) Design Coefficients And Factors Basic Seismic- Force Resisting- SystemsShear Walls.Design Forces.Rigidity analysis.Figure 7-2. Deformation of Shear Wall With Openings Effect of openings.Figure 7-3. Relative Rigidities of Piers and Spandrels Figure 7-4. Design Curves for Masonry And Concrete Shear WallsFigure 7-4. Design Curves Methods of analysis.Figure 7-5. Out-of-Plane EffectsCast-in-Place Concrete Shear Walls.Figure 7-6. Minimum Concrete Shear Wall Reinforcement Figure 7-7. Minimum Concrete Shear Wall Reinforcement Boundary zone requirements for special reinforced concrete shear walls.Figure 7-8. Boundary Zones in a Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Figure 7-8. Boundary Zones in a Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall - ContinuedTable 7-2. Numeric Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures-Members Controlled by Flexure Table 7-3. Numeric Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures-Members Controlled by Shear Tilt-up and Other Precast Concrete Shear WallsTable 7-4. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria For Nonliner Procedures Table 7-5: Modeling And Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonclinear Procedutres Members Controlled by Shear.Masonry Shear Walls.Figure 7-9. Tilf-Up And Other Precast Walls - Typical Details of Attachments Bond beams.Figure 7-10. Reinforced Arouted Masonry Figure 11. Reinforced Hollow Masonry Figure 7-12. Reinforced Filled - Cell MasonryFigure 7-13. Location of Bond Deams Design considerations. - ufc_3_310_03a0176Figure 7-14. Typical Wall Reinforcement Reinforcing at wall openings.Figure 7-15. Reinforcement Around Wall OpeningsFigure 7-18. Masonry Wall Details Figure 7-16. ContinuedExcluded materials.Table 7-6. Lateral Support Requirements for Masonry Walls.Wood Stud Shear Walls.Table 7-7: Linear Static Procedure -m Factors for Reinforced Masonry In- Plane Walls Table7-8: Nonlinear Static Procedure - Simplified Force- Deflection Relations for Reinforced Masorny Shears WallsFigure 7-17. Plywood Sheathed Wood Stud Shear WallsTable 7-9. Factored Shear Resistance in Kips Per Foot (KLF) For Seismic Force Table 7-9. Factored Shear Resistance in Kips Per Foot (KLF) For Seismic Force - ContinuedFigure 7-18. Wood Stud Walls Steel Braced Frames.Concentric Braced Frames.Figure 7-19. Concentric Braced FramesFigure 7-21. Effective Lenght of Cross- BracingLow buildings.Figure 7-22. Gusset Plate Design Criteria Acceptance criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0197Table 7-10: Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures - Braced Frames Steel Shear Walls.Table 7-11. Modeling Parameters And Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures - Braced Frames and Steel Shear Walls Table 7-11. Modeling Parameters And Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures - Braced Frames - ContinuedFigure 7-23. Eccentric Braced Frame ConfigurationsFigure 7-23 Eccentric Braced Frame configurationsFigure 7-24. Derformed Frame GeometryLink- Beam Web.Concrete Moment Resisting Frames.Figure -7-25. Link Beam And Intermediate Stiffeners.Table 7-12: Acceptance Criteria For Linear Procedures- Fully Restrained ( FR) Moment FramesTable 7-13: Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures- Partially Restrained (PR) Moment FramesFigure 7-26. Frame DeformationsNonseismic Frames.Acceptance Criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0211Figure 7-27. Intermediate Moment Frame RequirementsFigure 7-28. Intermediate Moment Frame Longitudinal Reinforcement Figure 7-29. Intermediate Moment Frame Splices in ReinforcementFigure 7-30: Intermediate Moment Frame Transverse Reinforcement Figure 7-31. Intermediate Moment Frame Girder Web Reinforcement.Figure 7-32. Intermediate Moment Frame Transverse Reinforcement Figure 7-33. Special Concreate Moment Frame- Limitations on DimensionsFigure 7-34. Special Concreate Moment Frame Longitudinal Reinforcement Figure 7-35. Special Moment Frame Splices in Reinforcement Figure 7-38. Special Moment Frame - Transverse Reinforcement Figure 7-37. Special Moment Frame Girder Web Reinforcement Figure 7-38. Special Moment Frame Transverse ReinforcementFigure 7-38. Special Moment Frame - Special Transverse Reinforcement Figure 7-40. Special Frame- Girder Column Joint AnalysisTable 7-14: Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures- Reinforced Concreate BeamsTable 7-15: Numerical Accetance Criteria for Linear Procedures- Reinforced Concrete Columns.Table 7-16. Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures- Reinforced Concreate Beam- Column JointsTable 7-17: Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Linear Procedures-Two Way Slabs And Slab - Column ConnectionsTable 7-18: Modeling Parameters And Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures Reinforced Concrete BeamsTable 7-19: Modeling Parameters And Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures- Reinforced Concrete ColumnsSteel Moment Resisting FramesTable 7-20: Modeling Parameters And Numerical Acceptance for Nonlinear ProceduresTable 7-21: Modeling Parameters And Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures Required shear strength.Figure 7-41. Typical Pre-Northridge Fully Restrained Moment ConnectionFigure 7-42. Typical Partially Restrained Moment ConnectionIntermediate Moment Frames (IMFs).Figure 7-43. Typical Post- Northridge Fully Restrained Moment Connection Connection shear strength.Lateral support at beams.Special Truss Moment Frames (STMFs).Special segment nominal strength.Figure 7-44. Special Truss Moment Frame.Acceptance Criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0245Dual Systems.Table 7-22: Modeling Parameters And Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures - Fully Restrained (FR) Moment FramesTable 7-22: Modeling Parameters And Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Procedures - Fully Restrained (FR) Moment Frames - ContinuedTable 7-23: Modeling Parameters and Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear ProceduresMoment Frame/Shear Wall Systems.Diaphragms.Diaphragm Flexibility.Figure 7-45. Diaphragm Flexibility Figure 7-47. Bracing An Industrial BuildingRotation.Figure 7-48. Cantilever DiaphragmFlexible Diaphragms Figure 7-49. Building with Walls on the Three Sides Rigid diaphragms.Figure 7-50. Calculated Torsion.Flexibility limitations.Table 7-24: Span and Depth Limitations on DiaphragmsDeflection calculations.Design of Diaphragms.Concrete Diaphragms. - ufc_3_310_03a0265Figure 7-51. Drag Struts At Re-entrant Building CornersPrecast concrete slab unitsFigure 7-52. Anchorage of Cast- in Place Concrete SlabFigure 7-53. Attachment of Superimposed Diaphragm Slab to Precast Slab UnitsFigure -7-54. Precast Concrete Diaphragms Using Precast UnitsFigure 7-55. Concrete Diaphragms Using Precast Units Details Permitted Steel Deck Diaphragms.Figure 7-56. Corner of Monollthic Concrete Diagram Figure 5-57. Concrete Diaphragms - Typical Connection DetailsFigure 7-58. Steel Deck DiaphragmsFigure 7-59. Steel Deck Diaphragms Type A- Typical AttachmentsFigure 7-60. Steel Deck Diaphragms - Typical Details with Open Web joistsFigure 7-60 . cont.Figure 61. Steel Deck Diaphragm Type B - Typical Attachments to Frame.Figure 7-61 cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0280Figure 7-61 cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0281Wood Diaphragms.Figure 7-62. Steel Deck Diaphragms with concrete Fill.Material Requirements.Acceptance criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0285Figure 7-63. Wood Details.Figure 7-63. Wood Details Continued. - ufc_3_310_03a0287Figure 7-63 . ContinuedFigure 7-63. Wood Details Continued. - ufc_3_310_03a0289Table 7-25. Factored Shear Resistance in Kips Per Foot for Horizontal Wood Diaphragms with Framimg MembersTable 7-25 (cont )Table 7-26. Numerical Acceptance Factors for Linear Procedures Table 7-26. Numerical Acceptance Factors for Linear Procedures - ContinuedTable 7-27: Normaliized Force Deflection Curve Coordinates for Nonlinear ProceduresTable 7-27: Normaliized Force Deflection Curve Coordinates for Nonlinear Procedures - ContinuedHorizontal Bracing.Chapter 8. Seidmic Isolation And Energy Dissipation SystemsFigure 8-1 Schematic Drawings of Representative Isolation/Energy Mechanical Engineering Applications. Design Objectives.Seismic Isolation Systems.Device Description.Table 8-1. Damping Coefficient, BD or BMApplicationsFigure 8-2. Seismic Isolation Hard Soil Example Figure 8-3. Seismic Isolation Soft Soil ExamplesFigure 8-4. Seismic Isolation Very Soft Soil Example Design Criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0308Dynamic analysis. Maximum Displacement.Minimum lateral force.Vertical distribution of force.Dynamic Lateral Response Procedure.Ground MotionAnalytical ProcedureDesign Lateral Force.Design and Construction Review.Energy Dissipation Systems.Table 8-2. Damping Coefficients Bs and B1 as a Function of Effective Damping βDevice DescriptionFigure 8-5. Supplemetal Damping Hard Soil ExampleFigure 8-8. Supplemental Damping Very Soft Soil Example Design Criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0323Modeling of Energy-Dissipation Devices.Velocity-dependent devices. - ufc_3_310_03a0325Fluid viscous devices.Figure 8-7. Calculation of Secant Stiffness KLinear Static Procedures.Figure 8-8. General Response SpectrumVelocity-dependent devices. - ufc_3_310_03a0330Velocity-dependent devices. - ufc_3_310_03a0331Nonlinear Elastic Static Procedure.Acceptance Criteria - ufc_3_310_03a0333Guidance for Selection and Use of Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation Systems.Earthquake Effects - Acceleration vs. Displacement Site Selection - Inappropriate Sites.Site Selection - Inappropriate Sites. - ContinuedTable 8-3. Comparison of Building Behavior Chapter 9. Foundations Load Deformation Characteristics for Foundations Figure 9-1 Idealized Elasto-Plastic Load-Deformation Behavior for SoilsStiffness Parameters.Figure 9-2 Elastic Solutions for Rigid Footing Spring ConstantsFigure 9-3 (a) Foundation Shape Correction Factors (b) Embedment Correction FactorsFigure 9-4 Lateral Foundation-Soil Stiffness for Passive PressureFigure 9-5 Vertical Stiffness Modeling for Shallow Bearing FootingsPile Foundations.Figure 9-6 Idealized Concentration of Stress at Edge of Rigid Footings SubjectedCapacity Parameters.General Requirements.Design of Elements.Basement Walls.Acceptance Criteria. - ufc_3_310_03a0354ChangesChpater 10. Nonstructural Systems and Components Seismic Forces.Table 10-1: Architectural Components CoefficientsTable 10-2: Mechanical and Electrical Components CoefficientsComponent Importance Factor.Architectural Components.Design Criteria. Veneered wallsFigure 10-1. Typical Details of Isolation of Walls Figure 10-2. Veneered Walls Connections of Exterior Wall Panels.Suspended Ceiling Systems.Figure 10-3. Design Forces For Exterior Precast AlementsAlternative Designs. Figure 10-4. Suspended Acoustical Tile Ceiling Mechanical and Electrical Equipment.Lighting Fixtures in BuildingsPiping in BuildingsSeismic Restraint Provisions.Flexible Piping Systems.Stacks.Figure 10-5. Maximum span for rigid pipe pinned-pinned.Figure 10-6. Maximum span for rigid pipe fixed-pinned.Figure 10-7. Maximum span for rigid pipe fixed-fixedCantilever stacks.Figure 10-8. Acceptable Seismic Details for Sway BracingFigure 10-9. Period Coefficients for Uniform BeamsElevators. Elevators. - ContinuedFigure 10-10. Single Guyed- StackAcceptance Criteria - ufc_3_310_03a0386Figure 10-11. Elevator DetailsFigure 10-12.Typical Seismic Restraint of Hanging Equipment.Figure 10-13. Typical Seismic Restrant of Floor Mountes Equipment Appendix B. Symbols And Notations - ufc_3_310_03a0391Appendix B. Symbols And Notations - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0392Appendix B. Symbols And Notations - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0393Appendix C. Glossary - ufc_3_310_03a0394Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0395Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0396Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0397Appendix C. Glossary Cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0398Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0399Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0400Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0401Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0402Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0403Appendix C. Glossary cont. - ufc_3_310_03a0404Appendix D. Ground Motion Background DataEarthquake Size.Figure D1. Earthquake Source Model and Types of Seismic Waves ( From Bolt, 1993)Figure D2. Types of Fault SlipFigure D-3. The Richter Scale ( After Bolt, 1988).Ground Motion Recordings and Ground Motion CharacteristicsGround Motion Recordings and Ground Motion Characteristics - ContinuedTable D1. Moment Magnitude, M, And Seismic Moment, M Of Some Well known Earthquakes.Table D-2. Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale.Table D-2.Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale - ContinuedFigure D-4 Relation between earthquake magnitude and epicentral intensityFigure D-5. Corralitos ground motion recording, component 0E, October 17, 1989,Response Spectrum.Figure Pacoima dam recording (S14W component) obtained 3 km (1.9 miles)Figure D-7. Single Degree of Freedom System.Figure D-8. Maximum Dynamic Load Factor for Sinusoidal Load.Response Spectrum. - ContinuedFigure D-9. Tripartite plot of the response spectrum from the Corralitos recordingAppendix E. Site- Specific Probabilistics Seismic Hazard Analysis.Mathematical Formulation of the Basic Seismic Hazard Model.Mathematical Formulation of the Basic Seismic Hazard Model. - ContinuedFigure E-1. Typical Earthquake Recurrence Curves And Discretized Occurrence Rates.Figure E-2. Illustration Of Distance Probability Distribution.Treatment Of Modeling And Parameter Uncertainties in PSHA.Analysis Results.Figure E-3 Ground motion estimation conditional probability function.Figure E-4 Example logic tree for characterizing uncertainty in seismic hazard inputYoungs et al., 1988)Figure E-5. Example Of Distribution Of Seismic Hazard Results .rExamples of PSHA Usage in Developing Site Specific Response Spectra.Figure 6. Example Of Contributions Of Various Seismic Sources to The Mean Hazard At a Site. Figure E-7. Example of contributions of events in various magnitude intervals to the hazardFigure E-8. Example Of Uncertainty in Attenuation contribution to Seismic Hazard Uncertainty.Figure E-9. Example Of Uncertainty in Maximum Magnitude Contribution to Seismic Hazard Uncertainty.Figure E-10. Regional Active Fault Map, San Francisco Bay Area.Figure E-11. Map Of the San Francisco Bay Area Showing Independent Earthquakes, Fault Corridors, And Areal Source Zones.Figure E- 12. Comparison Of Recurrence Rates Developed from Independent Seismicity and from Fault Slip Rates Fo Fault.Figure E-13. Comparison Of Recurrence Rates Developed from Independent Seismicity And From Fault Slip Rates fo Figure E-14. Comprehensive Recurrence Model for The Central Bay Area.Site in IllinoisFigure E-15. Generic Logic Tree Used To Characterize Seismic Sources for Probabilistics Seismic Hazard Analysis.Figure E-16. Ground Motion Attenuation Relationships.Table E-1. Dispersion Relationships For Horizontal Rock Motion From The Attenuation Relationships of Sadigh et al.(1993)Figure E-17. Mean, 5th, and 95th percentile hazard curves for the site for peak accelerationFigure E-18. Contributions of Various Sources to Mean Hazard At The Site.Figure E-19. Contributions Of Events In Various Magnitude Intervals to the Mean Hazard at The Site.Figure E-20 . Sensitivity Of Mean Hazard at The Site from The Choice Of Attenuation Model.Figure E-21. Sensitivity Of Mean Hazard At The Site from the San An Reas Fault Only Due To Choice of Earthquake He San Andreas Fault.Figure E-22. Equal-Hazard Pseudo- Velocity Response Spectra for The Site ( 5 Percent Damping).Figure E-23. Seismic Source Zonation Model For The Central And Southeastern United States.Figure E-24. Comparison of Historical And Paleoseismic Recurrence Estimates for The Reelfoot Rift And Iapetan Rift Seismic Zone.Ground Motion Attenuation Characterization.Figure E-25. Logic Tree Showing Relative Weights Assigned to Boundaries Separating Potential Subzones of the Iapetan Rift Seismic Zone. Figure E-26 . Attenuation Curves Of Atkinson And Boore (1995) And EPRI (1993) for Peak Ground Acceleration at 1.0 Second Period.Figure E-27. Computed Hazard for Peak Ground Acceleration And Response Spectral Accelerations At 0.2 And 1.0 Figure E-28. Contributions Of Components Of the ICR Source to The Hazard.Figure E-29. Comparisons Of Hazard from the Geology And Seisimicity- Based ModelsGround Motion Attenuation Characterization. - ContinuedFigure E-30. Equal Hazard Response Spectra (5% Damping).Appendix F. Geological Hazards EvaluationsFigure F-1. Types Of FaultsFigure F-2. Surface Faulting Accompanying Landers, California Eathquake of june 28, 1992.Figure F-3. House damaged by ground displacement caused by surface faultingSoil liquefaction - ufc_3_310_03a0467Figure F-4. Bearing Capacity Failure due to Liquefaction, Niigita, Japan Earthquake of June 16, 1964.Figure F-5. Diagram of lateral spread before and after failure. Liquefaction occurs Figure F-6. Lateral spreading failure due to liquefaction, University of CaliforniaScreening ProceduresFigure F-7. House and street damaged by several inches of landslide displacementFigure F-8. Damage to store front caused by rock fall during the San FernandoSoil liquefaction - ufc_3_310_03a0474Sources of information.Table F-1. Estimated Susceptibility of Sedimentary Deposits to Liquefaction During Strong Ground Motion ( After Youd And Perkins, 1978). Soil differential compaction.Evaluation ProceduresFigure F-9. Tsunami Zone Map Wave HeightsFault locationSoil liquefaction. Figure F-10. Relationship between maximum surface fault displacement (MD)Seed-Idriss evaluation procedureFigure F-11. Relationship between cyclic stress ratio (CSR) causing liquefaction Table F-2. Scaling factors for influence of earthquake magnitude on liquefaction resistanceConsequences of liquefaction - ufc_3_310_03a0486Figure F-12. Example of LIQUFAC analysis graphic plot Consequences of liquefaction - ufc_3_310_03a0488Figure F-13. Relationships Between Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR),(Ni) And VolumetricStrain for Saturated claean Sands (From Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987).Figure F-14. Illustration Of Effects Of Liquefaction Or Increased Pore Water Pressures On Ultimate Bearing Capacity FoundationsDifferential compaction. Deformation analysis proceduresFigure F-15. Integration of acceleration time-history to determine velocitiesFigure F-16. Cariation of Normalized Permanent Displacement With Yield Acceletation- Summary Figure F-18B. Relationships Between Displacement Factor And Ratio of Critical Acceletation And Induced Acceleration ( After Egan, 1994.)Figure F-19. Upper bound envelope curves of permanent displacements for all naturalFigure F-20. Variation of Normalized Permanent Deformation with Yield AccelerationMitigation Techniques and ConsiderationsTable F-3. Liquefaction Remediation Measures ( National Research Council 1985; Ferritto,1997b.)Table F-3. Liquefaction Remediation Measures ( National Research Council 1985; Ferritto,1997b.) - ContinuedSoil differential compaction. Figure F-21. Vibroreplacement and installation of stone columnsFigure F-22. Conceptual Shemes to Resists Liquefaction- Included Settlement Or Bearing Capacity Reductions.Figure F-23. Conceptual Schemes to Resists Liquefaction- Included Lateral SpreadingDocumentation Of Geologic Hazards EvaluationsAppendix G. Geologic Hazard Screening And Evaluation ExamplesFigure G-1. Map Of Building SiteThe trench exposed no soil-bedrock contact.Example 2. Liquefaction Hazard Screening Liquefaction Hazard ScreeningExample 3 - Liquefaction Potential EvaluationFigure G-3. Plot of SPT Blowcounts Vs. Depth.Figure G-5. Relationship Between Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) Causing Liquefaction And (Ni)Table G-1. Calculation of the (Ni)60 ValuesTable G-1. Calculation of the (Ni)60 Values - ContinuedFigure G-7. Relationship Between id And Depth ( from Seed And Idriss, 1971).SettlementTable G-2. Calculation Of CSR And (Ni) 60 criticalFigure G-8. Relationships Between K And Go( From Seed And Harder, 1990).Figure G-10. Correlation for Volumetric Strain, Cyclic Stress Ratio ( CSR) and (Ni)60 for Sands ( From Tokimatsu And Seed, 1987).Settlement - ContinuedFigure G-11. Plot Of Induced Shear Strain for Sands ( from Tokimatsu And Seed, 1987).Table G-3. Calculation of settlement of sand above ground water table ..Example 4 Landslide Hazard ScreeningFigure G-13. Profile Of Earthquake Included Landsliding Example Problem.Example 5 - Landslide hazard evaluationHazard mitigationAppendix HI. Vehicle Maintenence FacilityLateral SystemsMezzanine PlanBuilding ElevationsBrace Elevation Design of buildingDesign of building - ContinuedDetermine preliminary member sizes for gravity load effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0535Metal Roof DeckingSteel ColumnsRoof Level Tributary Seismic Weights ( Roof & tributary Walls )Calculate the vertical distribution of seismic forcesLongitudinal Seismic Forces - ufc_3_310_03a0540Perform Static Analysis - ufc_3_310_03a0541Mezzanine Diaphragm ForcesDistribute upper roof diaphragm shear forces to vertical resisting elementsDetermine shear in vertical elements due to self-weight inertial effects - ufc_3_310_03a0544Determine distribution or mezzanine shear force to vertical resisting elementsTypical Exterior WallTypical Interior Mezzanine WallTypical Interior Mezzanine Wall - ContinuedInterior Shear Wall E1-E2 - ufc_3_310_03a0549Interior Shear Wall E1-E2 - ContinuedMezzanine Level Diaphragm Shear ForcesDetermine shear in vertical elements due to self-weight inertial effects - ufc_3_310_03a0552Determine diaphragm chord and collector forcesLongitudinal Forces to Upper DiaphragmCollector ForcesOut-of-Plane Wall Forces - ufc_3_310_03a0556Determine cm and crDetermine the Rigidity of Braced Frames Perform torsional analysis - ufc_3_310_03a0559Longitudinal Seismic Forces - ufc_3_310_03a0560Distribution of Forces for Transverse Seismic ForcesB9. Determine Need for Overstrenght FactorDetermine structural member sizes - ufc_3_310_03a0563Shear Walls Shear Forces to Individual PiersInterior Shear Wall E1-E2 - ufc_3_310_03a0566Interior mezzanine CMU shear walls B1-B2 & H1-H2Interior mezzanine CMU shear walls B1-B2 & H1-H2 - ContinuedOut-of plane Forces On CMU WallsOut-of-plane forces on CMU walls - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0570Out-of-plane forces on CMU walls - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0571Out-of-plane shear strength checkStandard reinforcement details for CMU shear wallsPerimeter roof beamsBraced Frames ( Typical Bay)Braced Frames ( Typical Bay) - ContinuedBraced Frames ( Typical Bay) - Continued Brace CheckShear Transfer Mechanism for Upper-Roof DiaphragmShear transfer mechanism for mezzanine-to-vertical element connectionShear transfer mechanism for mezzanine-to-vertical element connection - ContinuedSteel ConnectionsRoof Edge Beam-to-Column Connection at Braced Bay Roof Edge Beam-to-Column Connection at Braced Bay - ContinuedGusset platesSingle Gusset Double GussetDouble Gusset - ContinuedBachelor Enlisted QuartersFigure 1. Architectural floor planFigure 2. Foundation and first floor planFigure 3. Typical floor framing planFigure 4. Roof Framing PlanFigure 5. Section A-AFigure 6. Section B-BBuilding design (following steps in Table 4-5 for Life Safety).Determine preliminary member sizes for gravity load effects. Determine preliminary member sizes for gravity load effects. - ContinuedCorbel DesignCorbel Design - ContinuedTransverse beam designTransverse beam design - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0603Transverse beam design - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0604Determine Dead LoadCalculate Base Shear, V:Assemblly Weights (PSF)Building Weigths (kips)Perform Static Analysis. - ufc_3_310_03a0609Perform Static Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0610Determine Cr and Cm - ufc_3_310_03a0611Location of Mass Centroid of Roof in the Transverse Direction Perform torsional analysis.Perform torsional analysis. - ContinuedDetermine need for redundancy factor, ρ. - ufc_3_310_03a0615Determine structural member sizes. - ufc_3_310_03a0616Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0617Determine structural member sizes. - Continued Figure 9. Design strength interaction diagram for shear wall section on grid lines 1 and 9Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0620Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0621Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0622Figure 10. Design Strength Interaction Diagram for shear wall section on grid lines 2 through 8Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0624Figure 11. Shear and moment diagrams for frame beams due to lateral loadingFigure 12. Shear and moment diagrams for frame beams due to gravity loadsDetermine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0627Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0628Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0629Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0630Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0631Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0632Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0633Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0634Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0635Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0636Figure 13. Shear and Moment Diagrams for Frame Columns Due to Lateral Loading Figure 14. Shear and Moment Diagrams for Frame Columns Due to Gravity LoadingDetermine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0639Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0640Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0641Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0642Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0643Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0644Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0645Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0646Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0647Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0648Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0649Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0650Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0651Determine structural member sizes. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0652H-3 ChapelFloor PlanFront Elevation Side Elevation Typical Eave DetailKnee Detail for Rigid framePreliminary building design (Following steps in Table 4-5 for Life Safety).Determine preliminary member sizes for gravity load effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0660Beams Along Grid Lines B & HMoment Frames - ufc_3_310_03a0662Beam DesignColumn Design Calculate fundamental period, TBuilding Seismic WeightsCalculate vertical distribution of seismic forcesPerform Static Analysis - ufc_3_310_03a0668Perform Static Analysis - ContinuedLongitudinal Direction - ufc_3_310_03a0670Weight of roof and normal walls between grid lines 2 and 7Longitudinal Direction - ContinuedSeismic forces to vertical resisting elements from lower sloped roof diaphragmWall Rigidity EquationsWall Rigidity Equations - ContinuedLongitudinal direction - ufc_3_310_03a0676Seismic forces to vertical resisting elements from entrance area diaphragmTransverse directionLower Sloped Roof @ Entrance Tributary Seismic Weights (Roof and Normal)Seismic forces to vertical resisting elements from sacristy area diaphragmShear Wall lines A&ILower Portions of Walls C7-C8 and G-7-G-8Determine cr and cm - ufc_3_310_03a0683Center of RigidityLower sloped roof areas - ufc_3_310_03a0685Perform torsional analysis - ufc_3_310_03a0686Sacristy AreasLower Sloped Roof Areas - ufc_3_310_03a0688Transverse ForcesDetermine need for redundancy factor, ρ. - ufc_3_310_03a0690Determine Structural Member Sizes - ufc_3_310_03a0691The Pier ElementsShearwall line 1Shear wall line 7 (Walls 7A-7C & 7G-7I same by symmetry)Shear wall line 7 (Walls 7A-7C & 7G-7I same by symmetry) - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0695Shear wall line 7 (Walls 7A-7C & 7G-7I same by symmetry) - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0696Shear walls D1-D2 and F1-F2Shear walls A2-A7 and I2-I7Shear wall lines A7-A8 & I7-I8Horizontal bracing:Moment frames - ufc_3_310_03a0701Moment frames - ContinuedCheck Allowable Drift and P A Effect Check for Performance Objective 2A Identify force-controlled and deformation controlled structural components. Determine DCR's For Deformation- Controlled ComponentsHorizontal Bracing Horizontal Bracing - ContinuedDesign of horizontal bracing connectionsOut-of-plane strength of plateDesign of gusset-to-column flange and beam web weldDesign of Gusset-to - Column flange And Beam Web Weld cont.Design of gusset-to-column weldPlan of Horizontal Bracing at Low RoofFire StationFigure. 1 Building Plan LayoutPreliminary building design (following steps in Table 4-5 for Life Safety)Determine preliminary member sizes for gravity load effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0719 Transverse Beams.Columns. Second Floor Slab.Equivalent Lateral Force ProcedureCalculate Vertical Distribution of Forces.Assembly Weights (PSF)Building Weights (KIPS)Perform Static Analysis. - ufc_3_310_03a0727Perform Static Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0728Perform Static Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0729Perform Static Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0730Haunch Properties Are Calculated on Spreadsheet As FollowsDetermine Cr and Cm.Perform Torsional Analysis - ufc_3_310_03a0733Determine Need for Redundancy Factor,PCalculate Combined Load EffectsDetermine structural member sizes. - ufc_3_310_03a0736Chord/ Collector Elements (Low Roof).Chord/Collector Elements (High Roof).Moment Frames (Low Roof).Check plastic hinge location;Check plastic hinge location - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0741Check plastic hinge location - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0742Check plastic hinge location - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0743Check plastic hinge location - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0744Moment Frames without truss (High Roof).Moment Frames without truss (High Roof). - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0746Moment Frames without truss (High Roof). - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0747Moment Frames without truss (High Roof). - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0748Moment Frame With Truss ( High Roof).Moment Frame With Truss ( High Roof). - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0750Moment Frame With Truss ( High Roof). - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0751Moment Frame With Truss ( High Roof). - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0752Check allowable drift and P ∆ effect.Enhanced Performance ObjectiveIdentify Force Controlled And Deformation Controlled Structural ComponentsDetermine Qce For Deformation-Controlled Components Determine DCR's For Deformation Controlled Components Determine DCR's For Deformation Controlled Components - ContinuedDetermine DCR's For Deformation Controlled Components - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0759Determine DCR's For Deformation Controlled Components - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0760Determine QUF and QCL For Force-Controlled Components and Compare QUF With QCL Determine QUF and QCL For Force-Controlled Components and Compare QUF With QCL - ContinuedRevise Member Sizes as Necessary and Repeat Analysis.Revise Member Sizes as Necessary and Repeat Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0764Revise Member Sizes as Necessary and Repeat Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0765Revise Member Sizes as Necessary and Repeat Analysis. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0766Design connections.Design connections. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0768Design connections. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0769Design connections. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0770Design connections. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0771Moment Frame Detail For Low Roof Design connections. - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0773Illustration - ufc_3_310_03a0774Appendix 1-1 Suspended Ceiling BracingBracing SystemDigure II-1 Force Diagram for Bracing WiresFigure II-2. Wire Support And Bracing SystemMasonry Partition BracingFigure 12-3. Detail Of Forces in Brace ConnectionDetermine appropriate Seismic Use GroupDetermine Seismic Force Effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0782Design Members - ufc_3_310_03a0783ConclusionElevator Guard Rail BracingDetermine Seismic Force Effects Figure J-1-1. Guide Rail ElevationDesign Members - ufc_3_310_03a0788Figure J1-2. Composite Section of Stiffened Guide RailDesign Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0790Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0791Figure J1-4. Section Through Guide Rail BracketDesign Members - Continued Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0794Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0795Equipment Platform BracingComponent design. - ufc_3_310_03a0797Lateral load reisiting system.Determine member sizes for gravity load effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0799Figure J2-5. Transverse Beam Connection, Elevation ViewDetermine Seismic Force Effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0801Figure J2-6. Force Diagram for Tank to Platform WeldsDesign Members - ufc_3_310_03a0803Figure J2-7. Seismic Force Diagram for Supporting Legs and BracesDesign Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0805Figure J2-8. Brace Connection Details and NomenclatureFigure J2-9. Brace to Brace ConnectionDesign Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0808Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0809Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0810Pipe BracingComponent design. - ufc_3_310_03a0812Determine member sizes for gravity load effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0813Determine Seismic Force Effects. - ufc_3_310_03a0814Design Members Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0816Figure J3-3. Longitudinal Pipe Restraint And force DiagramDesign Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0818Design Members - Continued - ufc_3_310_03a0819