UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
NAVFAC, the professional shall electronically sign and seal all sheets and appropriate
locations on the NAVFAC Signature Block(s), see Paragraph 7.4.
Procedures for Multi-File Drawings.
Organize drawing PDF files that must be broken into several PDFs due to the file size
restrictions given in 7-3.5.1 using the following procedure:
Any single PDF file in a multi-file PDF project may contain more than one discipline;
however, every attempt should be made to package complete discipline sets (i.e., do
not break-up discipline specific sheets).
Each PDF file of a multi-file PDF project shall include the project Cover Sheet and all
sheet bookmarks. Bookmarks for sheets not included in the single PDF file of a multi-file
PDF project will be shown for information only (i.e. in-active). Edit the NAVFAC
Signature Block of each cover sheet to accurately reflect the file number of the multi-file
Format of Final Design Specification or RFP.
Convert all specifications or RFP documents to the Portable Document File (PDF)
format directly from their authoring software. Combine specification sections into a
single PDF file to facilitate ease of use unless file size requires a multi-file submission.
Depending on file size and sheet size, combine the RFP into one or two PDF files.
Typically, if reference drawings are provided in Part 6, this should be a separate file
because of the sheet size (11" x 17" or 22" x 34"), which will facilitate printing of this file
separately by the Contractor.
Preparation of PDF for Final Design Specification or RFP.
Merge PDF files for each section into one PDF file.
Download the template for the coversheet (See 7-3.7). Edit the
coversheet with the project specifics.
Combine the PDF files of the Coversheet, Table of Contents, and other
project specific files including the Submittal Register. Insert blank pages where
needed so that sections, graphics, and reports begin on an odd number page.
Create "thumbnail" images of each page.
Bookmark the Coversheet, Table of Contents, each Division, Section, and
inserted graphic, including the submittal register. Each Division bookmark should
read "DIVISION XX - DIVISION TITLE", each Section bookmark should read "XX
XX XX.XX XX - SECTION TITLE", and should be a sub-bookmark of its
corresponding division. SpecsIntact allows printing of the PDF in this format