UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
Produce drawings using Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) software.
Provide Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files for design and record
drawing submittals. Provide drawings in Autodesk AutoCad ".dwg" format meeting
the following requirements.
CADD Standards.
Comply with the United States National CAD Standard (NCS) latest version except as
noted below.
NAVFAC Standard Drawing Format.
Provide drawings in ANSI D (22"x34") size format. Drawings shall use the NAVFAC
standard CADD title block (border sheet). See 7-3.7.
Layer Guidelines.
The format for layer names shall be in accordance with the AIA Layer Guidelines: U.S.
National CAD Standard Latest Version, which comprises a part of the NCS. Conceptual
conformance to ISO 13567, Technical Product Documentation - Organization and
Naming of Layers for CAD, is not required.
Plotting Guidelines.
Pen weights and colors shall be in accordance with the NCS. Plotted files (hardcopy or
PDF) shall be monochrome, unless color plots are specifically requested. Use color
numbers assigned to "black" or "halftone" only. NAVFAC has developed a
comprehensive pen table that utilizes the NCS 255-pen table as a basis, but has added
thinner lines and grayscale pens. The NAVFAC pen table, NavFacStnd.ctb, is provided
on the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG)(see 7-3.7). This pen table and
corresponding line weights were established to be legible when printed at half-size
(11"x17"), when the displayed text height is 1/16" (1.5 mm). To be consistent, the
related A-size sheet (8-1/2" x 11") normally used for sketches, utilizes fonts and line
weights that are the size of those utilized for ANSI D-size documents. Otherwise, the
1/8" fonts are too big and the lineweights are too bold (sketch sheets should always be
plotted 1:1 not allowing the "scaled lineweights" option to be used. The associated pen
table for A-size documents is NavFacStnd-Sketch.ctb.
Text Font and Size.
Use standard text heights for a plotted full-size drawing of 1/8" (3mm) for typical text,
1/4" (6mm) for titles, and 1" (25mm) maximum for project titles on cover sheets. For