UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
Project Remarks (block 28) for continuation of data that does not fit in column 23.
Block 24. [STATEMENT OF COMPLETION ]. This block is for the signature
and title of the individual in the construction agent organization that is responsible for the
transfer of accountability for the facility to the installation. The signing authority is certifying
that the following Statement of Completion printed on the DD Form 1354 is true: "The
facilities listed hereon are in accordance with maps, drawings, and specifications and
change orders approved by the authorized representative of the using agency except for
the deficiencies listed on the reverse side." Normally the construction agent project
manager, whether for the USACE District/NAVFAC Division or DPW/FacMgr/BCE/DIS,
signs and dates block 22 for new construction and capital improvements. The RPAO
normally signs when transferring real property from one installation to another. Enter the
title of the signing official. Enter the date at the time of signature. The date must be prior to,
or the same as, the date of acceptance in block 25 on the DD Form 1354 in order to
transfer simultaneously property responsibility and accountability. Use the standard date
format YYYYMMDD.
Block 25. [ACCEPTED BY]. This block is for the signature and title of the
individual, normally the RPAO, responsible for accepting accountability for the properties
described on the DD Form 1354. Enter the title of the actual signing official. Enter the
date at the time of signature. The date must be after, or the same as, the date of
transference in block 24 on the DD Form 1354. Use the standard date format
YYYYMMDD. Once the 1354 is signed, the RPAO will provide the 1354 to the Realty
Specialist on the day of acceptance for entry into the real property database.
The signing authority is accepting accountability for the real property facilities
described on this DD Form 1354 in the quantities and for the costs listed in columns 10
through 22. The facilities accepted should have been inspected and determined to meet
standards except for the deficiencies listed in block 27 on the reverse side. For real
property adjustments signed by the RPAO in block 24, enter N/A in the three blocks for
acceptance (Accepted by, Title, and Date Signed).
Block 26. [PROPERTY VOUCHER NUMBER]. The preparer of the document
should leave this field blank. The receiving installation RPAO will fill in the property voucher
number when the DD Form 1354 information is recorded in the installation real property
voucher register, such as a Register of Vouchers to a Stock Record Account, DA Form
272 for the Army. This voucher number is the next sequential number assigned in the
register by the Real Property Office. For additional information concerning vouchers and
voucher registers, see DA PAM 405-45, Real Property Inventory Management or other
service publication.
Example: V-20040023 where V indicates a voucher number and the first four
digits (2004) is the fiscal year and the last four digits (0023) is a four-digit sequence
Block 27. [CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES]. Enter any significant