UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
days prior to construction contract award, in order to allow all parties to review the draft
version prior to award.
The draft DD Form 1354 captures all the expected project costs, including costs
for P&D and S&A, and estimated construction contract costs. These costs, plus any others
(e.g., contingency), become the construction working estimate (CWE) at award. Post-
award project management costs are included in S&A. For design/build projects, the P&D
costs should include those contract management costs required for the preparation of the
request for proposal (RFP), solicitation, negotiation, and any other engineering and project
management costs through award of the design/build project, separate from the CWE.
The draft DD Form 1354 has no accounting impact and should not be used as a voucher
because the construction costs are estimates with no acceptable accounting basis.
INTERIM VERSION . The purpose of the interim DD Form 1354 is to provide in
writing to the accepting RPAO, a transfer and acceptance document with auditable costs
on the day of facility transfer. The interim DD Form 1354 is prepared after substantial
completion of construction, in preparation for the facility transfer on the Date Available For
Use and before, or coincident with, beneficial occupancy.
The requirement is to have a complete interim DD Form 1354 signed by the
transferring and accepting officials on the Date Available for Use or the Beneficial
Occupancy Date (BOD), whichever comes first. The interim form includes actual P&D
costs, actual project management costs, actual S&A costs, and actual construction
contract costs to date. The actual construction costs are what has been obligated and
expended (accrued) to date and therefore are not estimates. The interim 1354 should also
have the Construction Deficiencies, on the back of the form in block 27, filled out based on
the acceptance inspection with the construction contractor. The CIP Account is credited in
the construction agent's system and PP&E is entered into the installation's real property
system upon RPAO acceptance of the interim 1354.
The construction agent project manager prepares the interim form and sends it
to the accepting agency for review at least 21 calendar days prior to the anticipated
transfer. The construction agent project manager should follow up with the accepting
agency to ensure that the DD Form 1354 is complete and acceptable prior to the facility
turnover day. The construction agent project manager determines the Date Available For
Use as the day the facility is physically complete except for correction of deficiencies
documented in Construction Deficiencies (block 27) of the 1354. The construction agent
project manager should deliver operations and maintenance manuals and as-built
drawings to the accepting agency at facility turnover.
The installation RPAO, or delegated representative, accepts the facility(ies) at
turnover by signing and dating the interim DD Form 1354 in block 25 and adding any
construction deficiencies not previously identified as Construction Deficiencies (block 27).
The accepting official hands over a copy of the signed interim 1354 to the construction
agent project manager at the conclusion of the turnover. The accepting agency shall not
occupy the facility before the interim DD Form 1354 is signed and returned to the