UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
If the facility has more than one usage, identify each usage of the multi-purpose
facility with the appropriate facility category code and units of measure . List these
multiple uses such that the multi-purpose facility has one item number and several
different lines, one for each category code.
If land is purchased as part of the project, show land as a separate line item.
2-4.10.2 There are two ways to account for the demolition portion of the project and to
document the reduction of real property. You may either attach an Authorization for
Demolition (e.g., DA Form 337 or equivalent form for other Services) to document category
codes and quantities of demolished real property separately from constructed/transferred
Item Numbers or, in lieu of this attachment, indicate as additional DD Form 1354 Item
Numbers, all demolished real property facility numbers and category codes using negative
numbers (shown in parenthesis) for units of measure and N/A for costs in Item 19.
2-4.10.3 Do not show demolished facilities on the 1354 if the attached demolition
document has all the required information to subtract demolished facilities from the real
property inventory.
2-4.10.4 Attach separate lists of installed building equipment (IBE) (real property) and
equipment in place (EIP) (personal property) to the DD Form 1354. This allows for the
detailed equipment listings without cluttering up the 1354. The preparer, in conjunction with
the Realty Specialist, should use judgment in determining the amount of detail provided for
Block 11. [FACILITY NUMBER]. Enter the Facility Number (FACNO)
assigned to each Item Number. The Facility Number is a unique, real property
accountability alphanumeric, for each facility on an installation according to the
Installation/Base Master Numbering Plan. Some installations have consolidated records
for pavements and utilities and the additional pavements and utility distribution lines must
be added to an existing facility number. The installation RPAO provides these numbers to
the construction agent early in the design phase.
Block 12. [CATEGORY CODE]. In block 12, record the five or six digit design
use category code for each affected facility usage itemized in block 10. When a
constructed facility has more than one design use, each usage over 1,000 SF must be
identified as a separate line under the same Item Number. Facilities listed may be land,
buildings, utilities, or structures and must be classified as the correct facility category in
accordance with the service implementation of DODI 4165.3 (e.g., Army real property
classification system prescribed in DA Pamphlet 415-28, Guide to Army Real Property
Category Codes; NAVFAC P -72, Facility Category Codes; or Air Force Handbook 32-
1084, Facility Requirements). These reference documents provide the facility category
code, category description, and the various units of measures associated with each facility
category. Prior to initiating any work on a DD Form 1354, the construction agent should
coordinate with the receiving agency RPAO and develop a draft category code/real