UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
signature on the final 1354 indicates that he/she accepts the final costs and provides
feedback to the preparer that the final 1354 has been received. The RPAO gives the final
DD Form 1354 to the Realty Specialist to establish as a voucher and ensures that the
Realty Specialist inputs the final facility cost into the real property database. Upon receipt
of the final 1354, the installation Realty Specialist will adjust the costs in the real property
database which were based on the interim and voucher the final DD Form 1354. The
construction agent project manager uses the signed final 1354 to document a credit
adjustment based on the final cost differentials from the CIP account, assuming a previous
CIP credit which was based on the interim 1354 costs occurred earlier for this project.
The interim and final DD Forms 1354 refer to the same Transaction Type (i.e.,
new construction or capital improvement as shown in block 9A), will have the same
Effective Date (block 9D), and the same Project/Job Number (block 3). The Realty
Specialist can identify all 1354 versions pertaining to the same capitalization event by the
Project/Job Number. The interim and final versions will have different Dates Form
Prepared (block 2) and different Serial Numbers (block 4), and possibly different item
costs (column 19).
The Effective Date (block 9D) on the final DD Form 1354 for a project consisting
of multiple individual facility turnovers on different dates must include the different effective
date for each facility. These different dates may be shown in Project Remarks (block 28)
with a "See Remarks" in block 9D. The Effective Date for a single facility with a phased
turnover is the date the construction agent project manager declares the entire facility is
available for use.