TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
Figure 1028. Stationary Bridge.
(2) Location. To-fro swings should be located at
Surface materials that will not cut, scratch, or burn
the edge of the play area, away from other play
when children crawl or slide on the surface will be
structures and circulation areas.
(3) Number and Type of Swing Seats Per Bay.
c. Use Zone. For infant to 2 years, a minimum
Tot swings and belt swings will be hung from sepa-
1800 mm (72-inch) use zone will be provided from
rate swing supports or in separate swing bay sec-
all sides of the equipment. For children ages 2
through 12 years, a minimum 2400 mm (96-inch)
(4) Swing Seats. Rubber belt-type swing seats
use zone will be provided from all sides of the equip-
and tot seats will be provided. Tot seats that provide
360 support and are free from head and neck en-
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
trapments will be selected.
The bridge may he designed to accommodate wheel-
(5) Swing Seat Height. The minimum vertical
chairs. Handrails and landings on accessible
height of swing seats will be measured from the
bridges should meet guidelines for ramps for wheel-
underside of the occupied seat to the safety surface.
chair use. A minimum width of 900 mm (36 inches)
For tot swing seats, the seats will be located at a
will be provided for accessible bridges.
minimum vertical height of 600 mm (24 inches). For
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
2 to 5-year-olds, a minimum vertical swing seat
required for this play equipment is low.
10-29. Swing--to-Fro (Single Axis) Swing.
A to-fro swing frame includes seats that are sus-
pended from chains or cables (fig 1029). The swing
seats move front-to-back along an arc in a single
vertical plane. To-fro swings will be installed as
freestanding equipment. The swings will not be at-
tached to a composite structure.
a. Recommended Ages. Swings are recoin mended
for children ages 6 months to 12 years.
b. Safety Guidelines.
(1) Maximum Height of the Swing Crossbeam.
For children ages 6 months to 3 years, a swing
crossbeam with a maximum height of 2100 mm (84
inches) will be provided. For children 3 through 12
years, a maximum crossbeam height of 2400 mm
(96 inches ) will be provided.