TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
(2) Maximum Height. The maximum height of
c. Use Zone. For infant to 2 years, a minimum
horizontal ladders should be measured from the
1800 mm (72-inch) use zone from all sides of the
center of the grasping device to the safety surface.
equipment will be provided. For children ages 2
For 4- to 5-year-olds, a maximum equipment height
through 12 years, a minimum 2400 mm (96-inch)
of 1500 mm (60 inches) should be provided.
use zone from all sides of the equipment will be
c. Use Zone. A minimum 2400 mm (96-inch) use
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
zone from all sides of the equipment will be pro-
Games that incorporate sound, have tactile ele-
ments, and have interactive parts that contrast
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities. For
with the game background should be selected. In-
wheelchair users, a maximum equipment height of
teractive parts will be located from 500 to 900 mm
1400 mm (54 inches) should be provided.
(20 to 36 inches) high for forward or side reach from
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
a wheelchair. Game panels not used as protective
required for this play equipment is low.
barriers to enclose platforms can provide space not
10-22. Parallel Bars.
less than 600 mm (24 inches) high, 600 mm (24
inches) deep, and 750 mm (30 inches) wide that will
Parallel bars are metal bars attached to vertical
allow a wheelchair to roll under for access.
supports at a height that allows children to lift the
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
body with the arms and hand-walk the length of the
required for this play equipment is moderate.
structure (fig 1020). The bars may be provided as
freestanding equipment or be attached to a compos-
10-21. Horizontal Ladder.
ite structure.
A horizontal ladder is a rung ladder suspended in
a. Recommended Ages. Parallel bars are recom-
a horizontal position between two platforms or ver-
mended for children ages 5 to 12 years.
tical supports (fig 1019). Using upper body
b. Safety Guidelines.
strength, children hang from the rungs by their
(1) Maximum Bar Height. A maximum bar
hands and travel from hand-to-hand across the lad-
height of 900 mm (36 inches) will be provided.
der. This play event may be provided as freestand-
(2) Pole Diameter Parallel bars with a pole di-
ing equipment or be attached to a composite struc-
ameter between 50 and 60 mm ( 17/8 and 21/2
inches) will be selected.
a. Recommended Ages. Horizontal ladders are
c. Use Zone. A minimum 2400 mm (96-inch) use
recommended for children ages 4 to 12 years. This
zone will be provided from all sides of the equip-
play event is not recommended for children under 4
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
b. Safety Guidelines.
Bars may be lowered to make them accessible to
(1) Rung Diameter Climber rungs from 25 to
children who use wheelchairs and have upper body
40 mm (0.95 to 1.55 inches) in diameter should be
selected for ease of gripping.