M 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
Figure 1021. Playhouse.
terior turning space of 1500 mm (60 inches) in di-
ameter is optimal, but not mandatory. All trip haz-
ards will be eliminated at entrances and exits.
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
required for this play equipment is low.
required for this play equipment is low.
10-23. Playhouse.
10-24. Ring Trek.
A playhouse is an enclosed structure designed
A ring trek is an upper body event that consists of
primarily for dramatic play (fig 102 1). A variety of
a series of rings suspended from a horizontal sup-
designs are available that may include roofs, win-
port (fig 1022). To use the equipment, the child
dows, seating, table surfaces, store fronts, etc. A
hangs from the rings supported by the hands and
playhouse may have a climbable or nonclimbable
travels hand-to-hand across the series of rings. This
design. The equipment may be freestanding.
play event may be provided as freestanding equip-
Playhouse-type components may also be attached to
ment or be attached to a composite structure.
a composite structure.
a. Recommended Ages. Ring treks are recom-
a. Recommended Ages. Playhouses are recom-
mended for children ages 5 to 12 years.
mended for children ages 12 months to 9 years. For
b. Safety Guidelines. Takeoff/landing structures
12 months to 4 years, freestanding playhouses with
for the play event will be provided at a maximum
a nonclimbable design will be provided, For 5 years
height of 450 mm (18 inches).
to 9 years, the freestanding playhouse may be
climbable or nonclimbable.
c. Use Zone. A minimum 2400 mm (96-inch) use
zone will be provided from all sides of the equip-
b. Safety Guidelines.
(1) Maximum Height of Freestanding Play-
house., Freestanding playhouses with a maximum
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
This activity is not readily accessible to children
height of 1800 mm (72 inches) measured from the
with mobility limitations because of strength and
roof ridge to the safety surface will be provided.
recovery requirements. Children with visual limita-
(2) Clear Sight Lines. Clear sight lines into the
tions may need assistance in recovery and dis-
playhouse will be provided from more than one lo-
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
(3) Multiple Entrances and Exits. More than
required for this play equipment is moderate.
one entrance and exit will be provided.
c. Use Zone. A minimum 1800 mm (72-inch) use
10-25. Sand Table.
zone extending from all sides of the equipment will
be provided. Two nonclimbable playhouses may
A sand table is a raised, shallow tray that maybe
have overlapping use zones.
filled with sand for manipulative play (fig 1023). It
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities, A
may be used from a standing or sitting position.
minimum 800 mm (32-inch) wide entrance to ac-
Sand tables may be provided as freestanding equip-
commodate wheelchairs should he provided, An in-
ment or be attached to a composite structure.