TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
along with the motion of the child's body, propels
the track ride across the vertical support. The play
event may be provided as freestanding equipment
or may be attached to a composite structure.
a. Recommended Ages. Track rides are recom-
mended for children ages 5 to 12 years. Track rides
are not recommended for children under 5 years.
b. Safety Guidelines. The track ride slope should
Section View
meet manufacturers' recommendations.
c. Use Zone. A minimum 2400 mm (96-inch) use
zone from all sides of the equipment will be pro-
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities. This
activity is not readily accessible to children with mo-
bility limitations because of strength and recovery
requirements. Children with visual limitations may
need assistance in recovery and dismounting.
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
required for this play equipment is high.
10-32. Tunnel.
A tunnel is an enclosed passage designed to be
PIan View
Safety Surfacing
crawled through by a child (fig 1035). Tunnels may
be freestanding equipment or may be attached to a
Figure 10-33. Rotating Swing llse Zone.
composite structure.
a. Recommended Ages. Tunnels are recom-
onto it and for pushing will be provided. A continu-
mended for children ages 6 months to 12 years.
ous, firm, stable, and slip-resistant, safety surface
b. Safety Guidelines. For children ages 6 months
will be provided throughout the swing use zone.
to 12 months, the tunnel should be located at safety
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
surfacing level with no potential fall. For children
required for this play equipment is high.
ages 12 months to 2 years, the tunnel may be at-
10-31. Track Ride.
tached to platforms with a maximum height of 900
mm (36 inches). For children 2 to 5 years, the tun-
A track ride is an upper body event that consists
nel may be attached to platforms with a maximum
of a handgrip attached to a vertical support with
height of 1200 mm (48 inches). For children 5 to 12
ball bearings or other moving connectors (fig
years, the maximum height of attached platforms
1034). To use the equipment, the child's weight is
will be 1400 mm (56 inches).
supported by the hands and arms. This weight,
Figure 10-34. Track Ride.