TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
required to have a ramp. A transfer system that
(1) Side-by-Side Play Events. Hazards created
by conflicts in circulation and/or use patterns
provides access to a minimum of one-half of the
should be eliminated. Two play events will not ex-
elevated play events will be provided. Where a slid-
tend from the same side of a composite play struc-
ing experience is included, the transfer system will
ture to create side-by-side play events (fig 1036).
provide access to at least one slide.
(2) Recommended Layouts. Recommended com-
(2) Large Play Structures. In large play struc-
posite structure layouts for children ages 12 to 24
tures with 12 or more elevated play events, a ramp
months, 2 to 5 years, and 5 to 12 years are provided
will be provided to access a minimum of one-half of
(fig 1037 through 1039). These layouts are pro-
the play events. In addition, a transfer system will
vided because manufactured play equipment cata-
be provided to access a minimum of one-half of the
logs include layouts that do not meet play program
play events. Some play events may be accessed both
requirements of the installation. Catalogue layouts
by ramp and by the transfer system. When a sliding
may also include play events that are not recom-
experience is provided, at least one slide will be
mended for children's outdoor play areas. It is recom-
accessible by ramp. Accessible play events will be
mended that the designer use the recommended com-
similar to inaccessible play events. The designer
posite structure layouts to develop bid documents.
will choose those play events which will be accessed
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
by a ramp and/or a transfer point.
Guidelines for accessible routes, ramps for wheel-
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
chair access, transfer points, wheelchair-accessible
required for this play equipment is moderate.
platforms, and accessible stepped platforms will be
followed when designing composite structures.
10-35. Play Events Not Included in the
Equipment entrances and exits may be marked
with a change in texture on the rail and/or floor as a
tactile warning. Play events with high potential for
Manufacturers are continuously developing new
use by children with disabilities should be selected.
products and play events. The designer should first
These play events will be similar to the nonacces-
determine if these play events meet the installation
sible play events. An accessible path of travel will be
play area program requirements. If so, the designer
provided to accessible composite structure play
should consult the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
events that are located on the ground plane.
Commission's Handbook for Public Playground
Safety and ASTM F 1487 to determine the child
(1) Small Play Structures. Small play struc-
tures with less than 12 elevated play events are not
safety requirements for this event.
Composite Structure
Safety surface