TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
Figure 10-22. Ring Trek.
a. Recommended Ages. Sand tables are recom-
mm (36 inches by 55 inches) should be provided for
a wheelchair. A minimum clear knee space of 600
mended for children ages 12 months to 9 years.
mm (24 inches) deep and 750 mm (30 inches) wide
b. Safety Guidelines. A hinged table cover will not
should be provided.
be provided. Hinged designs may fall onto a child's
head, neck, fingers, or other body parts, causing
(2) Ages 18 Months to 5 Years. A playing sur-
face at a height of 550 mm (22 inches) should be
injury or death.
provided for side reach. This height also permits
c. Use Zone. A minimum 1800 mm (72-inch) use
young children to reach the equipment from a
zone will be provided from all sides of the equip-
standing position.
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
required for this play equipment is high.
( 1 ) Ages to 12 Years. For wheelchair use, the
playing surface should not be greater than 750 to
10-26. Slide.
850 mm (30 to 34 inches) high, with a forward reach
A slide is a gently sloped plastic or metal surface
and side reach of 500 to 900 mm (20 to 36 inches)
that serves as an equipment egress from an el-
(fig 1024). A clear ground space 900 mm by 1400
evated platform (fig 1025). Slides that are attached
to composite structures are preferred. Freestanding
slides may be provided.
a. Recommended Ages. Slides are recommended
for children ages 2 to 12 years. More challenging
slides, such as curved or tunnel slides, are recom-
mended for children ages 3 to 12 years. Roller slides
are not recommended.
b. Safety Guidelines.
(1) Metal Slides. Metal slides should be ori-
ented in a northerly direction.
(2) Clear Sight Lines. Clear sight lines will be
provided from the top to the bottom of the slide.
(3) Entanglement. Slides constructed with a
smooth, continuous sliding surface with no gaps or
spaces that may cause entanglement should be se-
(4) Maximum Height of Slide Entrance. For
2-year-olds, slides with a maximum slide entrance
height of 900 mm (36 inches) should be selected. For