TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
c. Safety Guidelines.
d. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
(1) Separation. Parking areas should be sepa-
required for this play area component is low.
rated from play and circulation areas.
9-15. Parking.
(2) Automobile Circulation. One-way traffic cir-
culation should be provided. Backup and turn-
Offstreet parking areas may be provided for play
around maneuvers should be minimized through
areas serving the entire installation.
careful orientation of automobile circulation.
a. Design Elements. Design elements include bol-
(3) Dropoff Zone. Where the dropoff zone is at
lards, hard surfaces, lighting, and signage.
the same grade as the adjacent walk, bollards or
(1) Parking Design. Military design standards
some other suitable device should be provided to
should be followed for parking area design.
separate the two functions.
(2) Signage. Signage should be provided to
(4) Bollards. Bollards should contrast in color
identify dropoff zones and limit use of these zones to
with the ground surface. Lighting should be pro-
"pickup/dropoff" functions.
vided to minimize the risk of a person inadvertently
(3) Lighting. Adequate lighting should be pro-
walking into bollards.
d. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
b. Recommended Ages. Offstreet parking should
required for this play area component is low.
be provided at neighborhood and destination parks
serving all age groups.