Figure 10-3. Stairway,
10-8. Stepped Platform.
c. Landing Dimensions. The bottom and top of
the ramp run will be a minimum of 1500 mm (60
Graduated platforms may be used in the transfer
inches) in diameter. Landings which contain play
system alone or in conjunction with a system of
events will include a minimum of 750 mm by 1200
steps and platforms (fig 105) to transfer from a
mm (30 inches by 48 inches) clear space where a
wheelchair onto play equipment.
wheelchair user may park and play. A parked
10-9. Ramp Intended for Wheelchair Access.
wheelchair will not reduce the adjacent circulation
path to less than 900 mm (36 inches).
Ramps intended for wheelchair play equipment
d. Parking Spaces at Elevated Play Events.
access, which are 1500 mm (60 inches) wide or
Where ramp access is provided to an elevated play
greater, should meet accessibility standards for
event, wheelchair parking spaces may overlap turn-
adults with the exception of the handrail require-
ing spaces.
ments described below (fig 106). Ramps which are
e. Edge Protection. Edges of ramps and landing
1500 mm (60 inches) wide or less should meet acces-
will have a means of preventing wheelchairs from
sibility standards for adults with the following ex-
falling off the landing.
a. Maximum Cross Slope. The ramp cross slope
f. Handrail Height. Handrails will be provided on
will be a maximum of 1:50.
each side of the ramp at 650 mm to 700 mm (26
b. Ramp Length. The maximum ramp run or
inches to 28 inches) above the ramp surface.
length will not exceed 3600 mm (12 feet).
10-10. Transfer Point.
A transfer point is a platform along an accessible
route of travel that allows a wheelchair user to
transfer from a wheelchair onto the play equipment
(fig 107). The transfer point and adjacent stepped
platforms or steps that allow a child to move
through the equipment is called the transfer sys-
a. Height of Transfer Point. For children 2 to 5
years old, the transfer point will be provided at a
height of 275 to 350 mm (11 to 14 inches) above the
accessible route of travel or the wheelchair acces-
sible platform. For children 5 to 12 years old, the
transfer point will be provided at a height of 350 to
425 mm (14 to 17 inches) above the accessible route
of travel or the wheelchair accessible platform.
Figure I0-4. Ramp Not for Wheelchair Use.