TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
(3) Additional Wheelchair Additional 750 mm
10-12. Balance Beam.
by 1200 mm (30 inches by 48 inches) parking spaces
A balance beam is a stationary or suspended
that meet these requirements may be provided if
beam designed to develop balance and coordination
as children walk across it or balance on it (fig 108).
It may be used as freestanding equipment or be
10-11. Recommended Play Events.
attached to a composite structure.
a. Recommended Ages. Stationary beams are rec-
Play events recommended for unsupervised chil-
ommended for children ages 2 through 12 years,
dren's outdoor play areas are described below. This
Suspended beams are recommended for children
description includes the appropriate user age
ages 5 through 12 years.
groups, safety guidelines specific to the play event,
b. Trip Hazards. Balance beam support posts
use zone requirements, adaptations for children
that extend above the level of the walking surface
with disabilities, and required maintenance level.
and create a trip hazard will not be provided.
The description identifies whether each event
should be installed as freestanding equipment or as
c. Use Zone. A minimum 1800 mm (72-inch) use
part of a composite structure.
zone extending from all sides of the equipment will