TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
9-7. Sand Play.
sions for informal play, but a relatively flat surface
should be provided. Tetherball is a game for school-
Sand is an excellent medium for creative play and
age children that requires little space. Outdoor
social interaction. When combined with water, sand
ping-pong tables have low space requirements and
offers even greater play potential. Sand can serve
may be provided in low wind areas or in high wind
both as a play material and as a safety surface.
areas if wind protection is adequate.
Sand play components should be designed to accom-
(5) Drainage. A minimum 2% slope for positive
modate groups of varying sizes.
drainage should be provided for open turf areas and
a. Design Elements. Sand play components may
sports fields. Flat grades should be avoided.
include: sand; water elements; containment barri-
b. Recommended Ages. Sports and games compo-
ers; sand tables; seating; playing surfaces, such as
nents are recommended for children ages 3 and
boulders, tables, or shelves; and vegetation.
(1) Type of Sand. A fine, washed plaster sand is
group activities while older children enjoy competi-
best for sand play and construction. Sand should be
tive sports.
free of soil, clay, silt, oxides of iron, or other con-
c. Safety Concerns.
(2) Depth of Sand. A 450 to 600 mm (18- to 24-
(1) Multi-Use Hard Surfaces. Multi-use hard-
inch) depth of sand should be provided for sand play
surfaced sports areas will not intrude into play
equipment use zones.
(3) Water Supply. A variety of water elements
(2) Falls and Collisions. Recognize that pedes-
may be provided. A spring-loaded or dripping,
trian falls onto hard surfaces and collisions are the
tamperproof faucet is recommended. Hoses, hand
most common forms of minor injury. These types of
water pumps, or trickling water troughs may also
injuries are difficult to prevent.
be used. Drinking fountains should be located away
(3) Shade. Partial shade should be provided for
from sand play areas.
(4) Ambient Microclimate. The area should be
(4) Water. Access to drinking water should be
protected from prevailing winds. Depending on site
provided to prevent dehydration.
conditions, shade may be desirable. However, all
(5) Lighting. When night use is anticipated,
sand play areas should receive sun for at least part
lighting should be provided.
of the day.
d. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
(5) Drainage. Positive drainage should be pro-
required for this play area component is low.
vided to avoid water-logging.
(6) Barriers. Barriers keep sand in place and
9-6. Dramatic Play.
discourage children in adjacent areas from disturb-
Children from preschool age to teenagers engage
ing the sand play of others. Barriers may include
in dramatic play. At age 3, children play house and
seating or sand shelves for play. A variety of places
mimic domestic roles. At age 9, super heroes and
for individual and small group play for one to four
"real life" role models, such as teachers, provide
children should be provided. These smaller areas
material for role plays. At age 15, dramatic play
may be connected to a larger sand area. Shallow
focuses on social interaction. Young children
sand benches or tables allow standup play and
through teens enjoy attending and participating in
wheelchair accessibility.
performances. Because the types of dramatic play
(7) Play Surfaces. Play surfaces within the
vary at different ages, the design elements included
sand area include sand tables, boulders, and
in dramatic play components intended for different
shelves. These surfaces may be used as work sur-
age groups will vary.
faces, seating, and back support.
a. Design Elements. Dramatic play components
(8) Play Props. Children like to play in sand
may include: playhouses, play platforms, pathways,
with small toys, especially pocket-sized trucks, ani-
vegetation, shade, water elements, and seating.
mals, and vehicles, or with props found onsite, in-
cluding vegetation. A variety of play surfaces sup-
b. Recommended Ages. Dramatic play compo-
port this activity.
nents are recommended for children ages 18 months
to 15 years.
b. Recommended Ages. Sand play components are
recommended for children ages 12 months to 8
c. Safety Concerns. Surfaces that are trip- and
slip-resistant under wet and dry conditions should
c. Safety Concerns.
be provided.
(1) Cleaning. Sand play areas will require daily
d. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
required for this play component is high.
cleaning to remove litter, broken glass, and cat and