TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
mm (8 to 12 inches) high for children under 5 years
dog feces. Sunlight and adequate drainage should
and 300 to 430 mm (12 to 17 inches) high for chil-
be provided to keep sand free of microorganisms.
dren ages 5 through 12 years old.
(2) Slip Hazards. Sand creates slip hazards
when spilled onto concrete or asphalt.
(4) Infant Crawl Area. Gathering places may
(3) Sand Particles. Sand particles may be in-
include a turf-covered infant crawl area. The infant
gested or inhaled by small children. The particles
crawl area should be provided adjacent to adult
may cause eye abrasions when thrown, blown, or
seating areas. Crawl areas should be partially or
rubbed into the eye.
fully shaded.
d. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
required for this play are a component is high.
be provided along paths, near seating areas, in eat-
ing areas, and at play area entrances. Dumpsters
9-8. Gardens.
should be located away from play areas for conve-
Gardens allow children to observe plants
nience and sanitation.
throughout the life cycle and harvest plant materi-
(6) Vegetation. Vegetation can be used to sepa-
als for play, cooking, craft, and science activities.
rate a gathering place from other parts of the play
a. Design Elements. Gardens may include: veg-
area, providing a feeling of privacy and reducing
etation, planters, fencing, storage, water, irrigation,
noise from adjacent play areas. Vegetation should
compost bins, tables, and seating. Fencing with
be used to protect gathering places from cold winds
lockable gates should be provided for formal gar-
and to provide shade.
b. Recommended Ages. Gathering places are rec-
b. Recommended Ages. Gardens are recom-
ommended for all ages.
mended for children ages 3 years and older.
c. Safety Concerns.
c. Safety Concerns.
(1) Location. Site furnishings should not con-
Lockable storage should be provided
flict with play activities, block paths of travel, or
for tools.
create trip hazards. Seating should be located to
(2) Harmful Plants. Poisonous plants and
allow adults to comfortably view children at play.
plants with thorns or berries should be avoided.
d. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
removable lids should be provided for easy trash
required for this play area component is high.
removal. Drain holes in dumpsters and receptacles
should be plugged or covered with mesh screening.
9-9. Gathering Place.
(3) Harmful Plants. The use of toxic plants,
Gathering places should be designed to accommo-
plants with thorns, plants with berries, and trees
date groups of different sizes and people of all ages.
that drop limbs should be avoided.
Gathering places may include: boulders set in a
(4) Boulders. Large boulders may be used for
circle as seating; seating constructed from large
seating in play areas intended for children ages two
timbers or logs; a meadow enclosed on three sides
and older. Boulders should be composed of granite,
by trees to create a room-like atmosphere for group
feldspar, schist, or other solid, noncrumbling rock.
gathering; and simple arrangements of site furnish-
Artificial boulders such as those simulated from
ings such as tables or benches.
concrete may also be used. Boulders should be free
a. Design Elements. Gathering places may in-
of sharp corners, open cracks or holes. Boulders
clude: tables, shelters, benches, infant crawl areas,
should be a maximum size of 600 mm (24 inches).
Boulders should be set firmly into the soil to pre-
and vegetation.
vent rolling, rotation, or settling. At least 30% of a
(1) Shelters. Covered shelters may be provided
boulder should be buried.
for shade and protection from weather.
Logs with a maximum diameter of
(2) Tables. Tables should be provided for gath-
600 mm (24 inches) should be selected. The logs
ering, working, eating, and game playing.
should be set firmly into the soil to prevent rolling,
(3) Seating. Comfortable adult seating should
rotation, or settling. At least 30% of a log should be
be provided. Adult seating should be located in both
sunny and shaded locations and should allow clear
supervision sight lines. Seating should be provided
will meet the requirements of CPSC and ASTM F
for children. Some seating should be located on the
edge of play activity areas where children can ob-
serve activities. Seating may include benches, in-
(7) Visibility. Visibility into gathering areas
should be provided from more than one location on
fant crawl areas, planter walls, boulders, logs, tim-
the play area.
bers, etc. Seating should be provided at 200 to 300