TM 5-803-11/AFMWAN 32-10139
Figure 101. Rung Ladder
b. Step Ladder Step ladders have a flat horizon-
tal crosspiece used as a foot support (fig 102).
c. Stairway. Stairways consist of a series of steps
Figure 10-2. Step Ladder.
used primarily as a foot support (fig 103). Stair-
ways may have open or closed risers, depending on
(3) Ages 5 to 12 Years. Rung or step ladders,
the age group served. Stairways may be straight or
stairways with open risers, spiral stairways with
spiral around a central point.
open risers, and ramps may be provided.
d. Ramp Not for Wheelchair Use. A ramp is a
f. Steps and Rungs. Steps and rungs designed to
sloping surface less than or equal to 1:8 that pro-
minimize slipping and tripping should be selected.
vides access between levels by walking or crawling
g. Handrail. Handrails provide balance and sup-
(fig 104). Wheelchair accessible ramps will meet
port during equipment access and egress. For rung
guidelines provided in this chapter for ramps in-
ladders, the vertical support posts and horizontal
tended for wheelchair play equipment access.
rungs provide hand support. Therefore, handrails
e. Recommended Ages. Easy and more challeng-
are not required for rung ladders.
ing access methods should be provided for all age
groups. Stairways are one of the easiest play equip-
10-6. Transition to Platform.
ment entrances. Ramps are also suitable for both
Handrails and other handgripping devices pro-
younger and older children. Step ladders and rung
vide hand support and balance as children move
ladders are more challenging. Rung ladders should
from platforms, play events, ladders, stairways, and
not be provided as the sole means of equipment
ramps to platforms. Evenly spaced rungs and steps
access for children under 5 years.
help ease the transition to platforms.
(1) Ages 18 to 24 Months. Ramps or stairways
with closed risers should be provided.
10-7. Platforms and Play Surfaces.
(2) Ages 2 to 5 Years. Ramps or stairways with
Platforms, landings, walkways, ramps, and other
closed risers should be provided. Open risers with
transitional play surfaces that reduce slipping and
the appropriate step height for this age group create
tripping should be selected. Surface materials that
will not cut, scratch, or burn when slid upon, such
ders and step ladders may be provided if a less
as metal covered with a PVC coating, should be
difficult means of access and egress is also included