TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
k. Separation and Barriers.
easy-to-use openings will be provided in play areas.
(1) Gates. Pedestrian gates at entries and exits
Trash containers will be located on accessible paths
will have a minimum width of 1200 mm (48 inches).
of travel. Trash container openings will be located
The gate opening force will not exceed 13 N (3
no higher than 900 mm (36 inches) above the
pounds) for play areas intended for children age 5 or
ground surface. Trash container lids will be pro-
less, and 22 N (5 pounds) for play areas intended for
vided that are operable without twisting or tight
children older than 5 years.
grasping. Spring-loaded mechanisms should not re-
(2) Gate Hardware. Hardware will be mounted
quire more than 22 N (5 pounds) of operating force.
on gates to meet accessibility standards for adults.
(5) Planters. Raised planters will be situated at
When it is appropriate for children to open a gate,
a height of 500 to 750 mm (20 to 30 inches) above
hardware will be mounted at heights for adults and
the ground surface to allow access to plant material.
at a height of 750 to 850 mm (30 to 34 inches) for
h. Manufactured Play Equipment. Play equip-
ment components will be accessible to children with
disabilities. Accessible paths of travel, accessible
l. Signage. Signs will meet accessibility stan-
safety surfaces, and transfer points or ramps onto
dards for adults. In addition, the following guide-
equipment provide access for children with limited
lines apply:
mobility. Manufactured play equipment is composed
(1) Height. Signage height will meet accessibil-
of one or more play events or activities, such as
ity standards for adults. If signs are intended for
swings, climbers, and slides. Table 8-1 identifies
use by children, the appropriate mounting height is
recommended play events that may be accessible to
1200 mm (48 inches) or lower, depending on the age
children with physical, visual, auditory, or develop-
of the primary user group. The height or heights
mental disabilities. Design guidelines for manufac-
that are most appropriate for users should be deter-
tured play equipment are provided in chapter 10.
mined. Signs should be mounted at a consistent
i. Plant Materials. Plant materials can be highly
height throughout the site.
accessible. Important design considerations include
(2) Location. Signs should be visible and acces-
providing access to plant materials through acces-
sible from pathways and within reach for touch
sible pathways or raised planting, and selecting
reading. Directional indicators will be clear.
plant materials that provide sensory variety.
j. Landforms. Landforms can provide unique ac-
(3) Informative Signs. Informative signs placed
cess opportunities for people with disabilities.
at the entry to a site should identify and locate
(1) Accessible Hills and Mounds. Slopes will
accessible routes and facilities. Tactile maps can
conform to the requirements of accessible ramps.
fulfill this purpose and can also be read by touch by
Ramps, handrails, guardrails, and level turning
people with limited vision.
spaces may be required on pathways or at view-
m. Parking. Parking will meet accessibility stan-
dards for adults.
(2) Summit Points. A level wheelchair turning
space a minimum diameter of 1500 mm (60 inches)
8-5. Noncompliance.
will be provided to accommodate wheelchair users
If a project can not be made accessible, in compli-
at the "summit" points of hills and mounds.
ance with the guidelines presented in this manual,
(3) Seating. Seating along pathways or at sum-
the designer will document the specific reason why
mit points provides comfortable resting areas for
the facility was not made accessible. This documen-
children with limited stamina. Seating will not ob-
tation will be maintained in the permanent project
struct the minimum clear pathway width of 900 mm
(36 inches).