TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
the use zone of play equipment, the path and edge
developmental disabilities is greater than in any
treatment will meet the requirements of ASTM F
other disability group. People with developmental
disabilities may also have difficulty with coordina-
tion, balance, agility, strength, body awareness, and
(7) Accessible Routes with Slopes Greater than
1:20. Any accessible route with a slope greater than
1:20 is a ramp. Ramps will meet accessibility stan-
8-4. Play Area Components.
dards for adults.
With proper design, most play area components
(8) Seating and Rest Areas. Along all primary
can be accessible to children and adults with dis-
pathways, a 1500 mm by 1500 mm (60-inch by 60-
inch) level space should be provided every 60 to 120
m (200 to 400 feet). Seating should be provided
a. Entry Areas. All main entrances will be fully
every 0.25 km (1/8 mile).
accessible. The overhead clearance at the entrance
will meet accessibility standards for adults. The
(9) Auxiliary Pathways. Auxiliary or secondary
width of the entrance will be 1200 mm (48 inches) at
pathways will have a minimum width of 900 mm
minimum. The main entrance will be linked by ac-
(36 inches). If the pathway is longer than 6 m (20
feet), a turnaround area will be provided every 6 m
cessible pathways to public transportation stops,
when provided, passenger loading zones, accessible
(20 feet). For play purposes, an auxiliary path may
parking spaces, and to public streets and sidewalks.
be textured or bumpy for a maximum length of 1500
A person with a disability will be able to travel
mm (60 inches).
independently from this entrance to all accessible
(10) Drainage Grates. Grate openings will have
spaces within the play area.
a maximum width of 12 mm (l/2-inch). The longest
b. Pathways.
dimension of grate openings will be perpendicular
to the accessible path of travel.
(1) Accessible Routes of Travel. An accessible
route is a continuous unobstructed route, such as a
(11) Wheeled Toys. Wheeled toys are an impor-
primary pathway or fully accessible surfacing,
tant method of independent mobility for children
which is accessible to persons with disabilities. At
with disabilities and should be allowed on play area
minimum, the accessible route will extend from the
play area perimeter to each type of activity within
(12) Changes in Texture. Changes in texture
the play area.
and material should be provided as nonvisual and
(2) Accessible Routes Within the Play Equip-
tactile warnings for hazards and dangerous loca-
ment Use Zone. At least one accessible route will be
tions, such as crosswalks, stairs, water areas, etc.
provided within the use zone. The accessible route
Textures used as a warning or cue for people with
will extend from the play area perimeter to each
visual disabilities will be consistent throughout a
type of play equipment that provides a different
activity or function.
c. Sports and Games. Fully accessible viewing ar-
eas will be provided for spectators, parents, and
(3) Surfacing of Accessible Routes. The surface
of the accessible route should be firm, stable, and
children. Firm sports and games surfaces will be
slip-resistant. Examples of appropriate surfacing
provided for wheelchair use. Accessible drinking
include: concrete, asphalt, and synthetic safety sur-
fountains will be provided.
faces. Accessible safety surfacing within the play
d. Dramatic Play. Playhouses should have an in-
equipment use zone will meet the requirements of
terior space large enough to allow wheelchair ac-
ASTM F 1292, except where a ramp, deck, or sta-
cess. An entrance will be provided that at minimum
tionary bridge connects to a pathway at the edge of
meets accessibility standards for adults. Windows
a use zone.
will be provided at a height that allows viewing
from a wheelchair. Performance platforms should be
(4) Minimum Width of Accessible Routes. The
located at ground level. If a ramp is present, a
minimum width of accessible routes will be 1500
mm (60 inches).
turning space will be provided for children in wheel-
chairs that at minimum meets accessibility stan-
(5) Maximum Slope of Accessible Routes. The
dards for adults.
cross slope and running slope of accessible routes
will meet accessibility standards for adults.
e. Sand Play. If provided, both ground-level and
raised sand play components will be accessible.
(6) Edge of Accessible Routes. If the accessible
(1) Back Supports. For ground-level sand play,
route is adjacent to loose-fill material or if there is a
a firm, stationary back support will be provided for
difference in height between two adjacent surfaces,
leaning or resting. Back supports will be provided in
the edge of the route will be treated to prevent a
close proximity to the most active part of the sand
wheelchair from traveling off of the route or from
play area to promote social interaction. Back sup-
tipping into loose-fill material. If the route is within