TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
a. Typical Use Zone. Figure 73 illustrates a typi-
7-9. Protrusions.
cal manufactured play equipment use zone. For in-
Protrusions are hardware, pipes, posts, or other
fant to 2 years, provide a minimum 1800 mm (72-
structural members that extend in any direction
inch) use zone from all sides of the equipment. For
from play equipment, site elements, or site furnish-
ages 2 through 12 years, provide a minimum 2400
ings. Protrusions may catch a child's clothing caus-
mm (96-inch) use zone from all sides of the equip-
ing strangulation or loss of balance. Protrusions may
ment. Some equipment, such as to-fro swings and
also pose a potential impact hazard. Hardware that
tire swings, have greater requirements.
increases in diameter from the surface to the exposed
end and caps or coverings that do not fit flush
b. Typical Overlapping Use Zone. An overlapping
against the nut or surrounding surface are two ex-
use zone may be provided for some equipment, such
amples of protrusions that are likely to catch a
as two playhouses which are not designed for climb-
child's clothing. All protrusions will meet the require-
ing, two balance beams under 500 mm (20 inches)
ments of ASTM F 1487.
high, and two spring rockers with a seat height of
750 mm (30 inches) or less. Figure 74 illustrates a
7-10. Sharp Points and Edges.
typical overlapping use zone.
A sharp point or edge is one that can puncture or
c. High Use Play Areas. Sufficient space should
cut a user's skin. Accessible sharp points or edges
be provided between all adjacent structures and
will not be provided in the outdoor play area. Manu-
individual play equipment for play and circulation.
facturers will provide verification that all points
and edges meet ASTM F 1487 standards.
7-11. Use Zones.
A use zone is the clear area under and around play
equipment where a child could land when falling,
jumping, or exiting from the equipment. For all play
equipment, an unobstructed use zone covered with
safety surfacing will be provided, which at minimum
conforms to ASTM F 1292 for the highest accessible
equipment fall height (chap 11). This criteria reduces
the likelihood of life-threatening head injuries that
often result from falls from play equipment. Use
zones should not overlap except where indicated. Fig-
ure 72 provides an example of adjacent play equip-
ment without overlapping use zones. The use zone
dimensions depend on the equipment type and users'
age group. Use zone requirements for each type of
play equipment are provided in chapter 10.
Composite Structure
Safety Surface
Figure 7-3. Typical Use Zone.