TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
ports may include any vertical surface with a mini-
(4) Garden Pathways. A minimum 1100 mm
mum height of 300 mm (12 inches) and a minimum
(44-inch) width accessible pathway that leads to
raised areas in the garden will be provided.
width of 150 to 375 mm (6 to 15 inches). Boulders,
(5) Water Easy access to water, including an
logs, and posts may be used as back supports.
accessible path of travel, lever knobs on faucets, and
(2) Transfer Points. For children 2 to 5 years, a
coilable hoses, should be provided.
transfer point will be provided at a height of 275 to
g. Gathering Places.
350 mm (11 to 14 inches) to allow children to trans-
fer from wheelchairs onto ground-level sand play
(1) Pathways. An accessible pathway will be
provided to all gathering places.
surfaces (fig 8l). For children ages 5 to 8 years, a
(2) Seating. Seating along primary pathways
transfer point will be provided at a height of 350 to
will be accessible. Along auxiliary pathways, 50% of
400 mm (14 to 17 inches).
seating will be accessible. Bench design will meet
(3) Raised Sand Area. Raised sand areas at
accessibility standards for adults. For manufactured
wheelchair height are highly accessible and can be
benches, backrests and arm supports that meet
attractive to all children. However, raised areas are
not a substitute for ground-level sand play. The
provided. Informal seating, such as boulders and
shallow depth of sand provided in raised sand com-
logs, do not require backrests and arm supports.
ponents limits play opportunities. Accessible manu-
factured sand tables are one alternative for provid-
(3) Picnic and Game Tables. Picnic and game
tables will be located on an accessible surface with
ing raised sand play opportunities.
an accessible path of travel leading to the picnic
(4) Faucets. Faucets will be provided that meet
area. Every installed, fixed picnic table will be ac-
accessibility standards for adults.
cessible. When fewer than five game tables are in-
f. Gardens.
stalled, one will be accessible. When five or more
(1) Raised Beds. Raised beds will be provided
game tables are installed, a minimum of one or 10%
for children who use wheelchairs or cannot easily
will have two accessible seat spaces. A minimum of
stoop. Locate the raised bed within the main garden
two or 1O% will have one accessible seat space. Each
area at a height of 500 to 750 mm (20 to 30 inches)
above the garden surface. A minimum of 10% of the
table will have at least one side that is not blocked
by a fixed seat or bench. Wheelchair clearance will
gardening surface should be raised.
be provided for this open space.
(2) U-shaped Beds. Raised beds that are U-
(a) Wheelchair Clearance for Adults and
shaped allow easy reach from a central location.
Teens. For adults and teens, a clear space 675 mm
Access should be provided from either side or by
(27 inches) high, 600 mm (24 inches) deep, and 750
forward reach at a height of 500 to 900 mm (20 to 36
mm (30 inches) wide will be provided.
inches) above the ground.
(b) Wheelchair Clearance for Children Under
(3) Ground-Level Gardens. A transfer point
12 Years. For accessible picnic tables for children
will be provided to enable a child to transfer into the
under 12 years, a clear space 675 mm (27 inches)
garden. For children ages 2 to 5 years, the height of
high, 300 mm (12 inches) deep, and 915 mm (36
the transfer point will be 275 to 350 mm (11 to 14
inches) wide will be provided. The tops of these
inches). For children ages 5 to 12 years, a transfer
tables will be a maximum of 750 mm (30 inches)
point at a height of 350 to 400 mm (14 to 17 inches)
from the floor or ground.
will be provided.
Figure 81. Transfer Point to Sand Surface.