TM 5-805-12
Figure 4. Plywood panels.
(b) Joints backed with lead strips. Sheet-lead strips not less than the thickness used for the panels and
not less than 1-1/2 inches wide are installed on supports where panel joints occur. The lead strips are secured to supports
by nailing with wire nails at outer edges of strips. Sides and ends of panels are nailed at approximately 8 inches on
centers with finishing nails. If plywood panel is unfinished, the joint shall be covered with a molding strip and shall be
secured using finish nails at approximately 8 inches on centers.
(4) The face veneer of the panel will be finished using varnish, lacquer, or other coating system as specified, to
be applied after installation.
d. Suspended lead-lined ceilings. Suspended lead-lined ceilings for lead thickness up to 9.0 millimeters consist of
lead-lined lath 16 by 48 inches resting on continuous lead-lined channels spaced 16-1/2 inches on centers. For lead
thickness over 9.0 millimeters, ceilings consist of lead-lined lath 12 by 32 inches resting on continuous lead-lined channels
spaced 12-1/2 inches on centers. Lead extends 1 inch beyond lath on one end to provide a lap with adjacent lead-lined
lath unit. See figure 5 for details.
(1) Lead-lined furring channels are supported by galvanized steel hangers spaced 12 inches on center that are
attached to steel support channels. Metal lath is attached to underside of lead-lined channels either through prepunched
holes in the channels, or clips attached to the hangers.
(2) Lead in suspended ceiling laps the lead in the wall a minimum of 1-1/2 inches to provide an effective lead