UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
Basis of Design.
Submit revised Basis of Design including updated information and incorporating
responses to previous government review comments.
The Geotechnical Report, if modified during the previous review, shall be re-submitted
as an appendix to the Basis of Design; otherwise, do not submit.
In addition, for Design-Build, update information including sustainable design
validation/certification information required in UFGS Section 01 33 10.05 20 (01331) of
the project RFP.
Drawings must be 100% complete, minus final signatures, and modified to reflect the
responses to previous review comments. The drawings must be complete to the extent
that they may be released for bid or constructed as submitted. Provide complete set of
construction drawings organized by discipline as described in the discipline specific
UFCs. For Design-Build projects, follow the requirements of the RFP when shop
drawings are used as design drawings.
In addition to requirements specified in the Discipline-Specific UFCs and RFP, provide
the following:
Prepare structural drawings in accordance with UFC 3-300-10N and with sufficient
detail that structural decisions and choices need not be made in the field. Address
construction conditions in the construction documents, including but not limited to
details that apply to specific conditions, complete schedules, identification of all
members, dimensions, and connection details.
Provide the following:
Legend and Abbreviations.
Existing Site and Demolition Plan.
Lighting Plans and Details.
Power Plans and Details.
Power - Single Line Diagram.
Telephone Riser Diagram.