1 kip = 4.448 KN
1 kipft = 1.356 KNm
Shear stress to piers:
fv = V / bd
where b is the equivalent solid wall thickness and d = pier length
fvA = 2.5(7.3 k) / (18.33' (12"/' (3.46") = 24 psi (165 KN/m2) < 69.7 psi (481 KN/m2) (minimum shear
reinforcement governs)
fvB = 2.5(2.70 k) / (8.33' (12"/' (3.46") = 19.5 psi (134 KN/m2) < 69.7 psi (481 KN/m2) (minimum shear
reinforcement governs)
fvC = 2.5(0.9 k) / (120")(3.46") = 5.42 psi (37 KN/m2) < 69.7 psi (481 KN/m2) (minimum shear
reinforcement governs)
Determine need for trim steel:
Mrs = FsAsjd
As = Mrs / Fsjd
(TM 5-809-3 Eq. 5-14)
Assume that j ≈0.9 and that Fs = 1.33(24ksi) = 32 ksi (221 N/mm2)
AsA = (29.2 kft)(12"/' / (32 ksi)(0.9)(18.33' (12"/' = 0.06 in2 (39 mm2)
AsB = (10.8 kft)(12"/' / (32 ksi)(0.9)(8.33' (12"/' = 0.05in2 (32 mm2)
AsC = (18 kft)(12"/' / (32 ksi)(0.9)(120") = 0.06 in2 (39 mm)
Interior mezzanine CMU shear walls B1-B2 & H1-H2
The 5.15k (22.9 KN) force is distributed to the two wall segments separated by the control joint in relation
to their relative rigidities.
Rwall 1 = 1180 Rwall 2 = 3468