TM 5-814-7
Table 3-2. Design/Operational Requirements
Imposed by Hydrogeologic Conditions
Unfavorable Hydrogeologic Conditions
Ground Water
High ground-water table
Placement of impermeable liners; dewatering systems to lower ground
water; increased monitor
High permeability soils
Surface Water
Within flood plain
Construction of perimeter dikesnevees; liners to interrupt connection
between ground and surface
Inter-related to shallow ground
waters; construction of drainage diversion facilities.
water beneath facility
Extensive upgradient watershed
Location of facilities outside of a fault buffer zone.
Inadequate soils for cover or
Importation of soils that meet regulatory requirements.
impermeable barriers*
Active Karst Zones
Sinkhole-prone areas
Location of facilities outside of active Karst zones is recommended.
Solution channels
*As used here, inadequate means either (1) unable to meet regulatory requirements for soil type and permeability, or
(2) insufficient quantities to meet design/operational needs.
US Army Corps of Engineers