TM 5-814-7
dated and changed as needed to remain accurate.
(Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste), and
d. The waste analysis plan must include analytical
existing published or documented data on the hazardous
waste or on hazardous waste generated from similar
methods to determine ignitability (section 261.21),
processes. At a minimum the plan must specify: (1) The
reactivity (section 261.23) and incompatibility (appendix
waste sampling method used to obtain a representative
V, part 264) with respect to the disposal/treatment
method. Section 264.17 gives the general requirements
(2) The parameters selected for laboratory
for handling these types of wastes and outlines waste
analysis for each waste, including those required in
constituent constraints which should be considered in
subparts J through Q.
developing the waste analysis plan.
e. Each facility also has unique identification
(3) The rationale for selection of these
parameters for laboratory analysis.
(analysis) requirements which would be contained in the
(4) The methods or procedures applied during
waste analysis plan. For example, a "trial test" is
laboratory analysis.
required whenever a "substantially different" waste or
(5) The frequency of sampling and analysis to
process is introduced to a surface impoundment; land
be conducted on subsequent shipments of the same
treatment and landfill operations require the
waste to ensure that the analysis is accurate and up to
owner/operator to obtain information on the composition,
characteristics, and mobility of the wastes to determine
(6) For off-site facilities, the sampling methods
the extent of closure and post-closure care which will be
and procedures used to identify each movement of
necessary to protect human health and the environment.
f. Analytical methods, to ensure compliance with
hazardous waste to ensure that the wastes are the same
as those indicated on the accompanying manifest or
the regulatory requirements, are contained in EPA SW-
shipping paper.
c. 40 CFR 264.13(aX3) requires that the plan be up