TM 5-814-7
(1) Data sources available to the design engineer
3-1. Environmental and sociopolitical conditions
include RCRA-related documents, installation manuals
a. An owner or operator of any facility that treats,
and records, and agency maps, drawings and guidance
stores, or disposes of hazardous waste must be aware of
manuals. Source documents for each facility will vary
and respond to the concerns of the public in the
depending upon the unit to be constructed or modified,
surrounding communities.
In many cases defense
the anticipated waste stream, and the record keeping
installations are physically isolated and treated as
system at the installation. Examples of these data
separate entities in matters of operations management,
sources include
land use, and economics. Personnel employed on the
(a) RCRA-Related Documents:
base must respond to Army security regulations, thereby
Part A Permit Application
defining recreational, public service and housing issues.
Part B Permit Application
b. Health and safety risks are minimized by
Hazardous Waste Annual Reports
allowing only authorized personnel into and around
Operating Records
restricted hazardous waste treatment, storage or
Hazardous Waste Manifests
disposal areas. Actual security measures for a facility
Interim Status Documents
are given in AR 200-1 and 40 CFR 264 in addition to
Regulations (regarding design and
specific state requirements.
operating parameters)
c. If a new Army installation were constructed, an
(b) Installation Documents:
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would be required
Design, Construction and Operating
in accordance with AR 200-2; in many cases, projects at
existing facilities would also require an EIS or, at
Site Plans; Topographic Maps
minimum, an environmental assessment. The EIS would
Waste Discharge Requirements
address the sociopolitical and environmental concerns
Environmental Impact Statements
associated with the planned hazardous waste
Installation Assessments
treatment/disposal facilities.
Other activities at the
Spill Prevention Control and
installation may require the approval of local air basin
Countermeasure Plan
authorities and water quality control boards.
USATHAMA Records Search Reports
d. Transportation of hazardous waste materials off
Standard Operating Procedures
site requires compliance with state and federal
Department of Defense Form 1348-1 (Item
transportation regulations. The potential health risks
Release/Receipt Document)
associated with transport of chemicals on public roads
implies that the public and health officials will be
concerned and involved.
Site Photographs
Subsurface and Foundation Investigation
3-2. Review of relevant site date
Installation Master Plan Drawings
a. Prior to the initiation of any design work involving
(c) State or Federal Agency Documents:
hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal, the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
design engineer must become familiar with available
System (NPDES) Permits
records concerning overall site conditions, and those
Installation Inspection Reports
concerning waste types and quantities associated with
US Geological Survey (USGS) Maps
the particular unit. If an existing unit is being modified to
Federal Emergency Management (FEMA)
treat an existing waste stream, documentation on the
design and engineering aspects of the facility, as well as
State Geologic and Hydrologic Maps and
waste stream should be available from on-post sources.
Design Guidance Manuals
However, if a new disposal/treatment facility is being
(2) A number of these resource documents offer
designed and constructed to handle new waste streams
valuable information on the composition and quantities of
from either on or off post, a more exhaustive data search
wastes handled by a given facility. Table 3-1
will be required.