TM 5-814-7
ment and landfills. In general, ignitable or reactive waste
4-1. Impact of the waste stream on selection of
must not be placed in a hazardous waste facility unless
disposal type.
"the waste is treated, rendered, or mixed before or
a. The physical state of the hazardous waste and
immediately after placement so that the resulting waste,
the chemical characteristics of the waste are the two
mixture, or dissolution of material no longer meets the
most important factors to be evaluated in selecting the
definition of ignitable or reactive waste" (40 CFR 264).
appropriate disposal option. With respect to physical
c. Incompatible wastes may not be treated or
state, disposal options at Army installations for bulk liquid
disposed of unless the owner or operator takes
hazardous wastes and sludges with leachable liquids are
precautions to prevent reactions which: (1) Generate
limited to surface impoundments and, in certain special
extreme heat or pressure, fire or explosions, or violent
cases, injection wells. The latter, rarely used because of
the hydrogeologic constraints inherent in their siting, are
(2) Produce uncontrolled toxic mists, fumes,
suitable for large quantities of aqueous wastes, including
dusts, or gases in sufficient quantities to threaten human
acids, alkalies, inorganic brines and oily waste waters
health or the environment.
(see chapter 5).
(3) Produce uncontrolled flammable fumes or
b. Most solid hazardous wastes are disposed of in
gases in sufficient quantities to pose a risk of fire or
landfills; however, small quantities of semi-solid and solid
hazardous wastes such as mine tailings are stored or
(4) Damage the structural integrity of the
treated in waste piles. It is important to note that RCRA
device or facility.
regulations stipulate that waste piles may not be used as
(5) Threaten human health or the environment
an ultimate disposal method; if the owner/operator of a
through similar means.
waste pile wants to dispose of the accumulated wastes,
d. The owner or operator of a waste pile must also
he must obtain a landfill permit and manage the pile as a
physically separate any pile containing wastes potentially
incompatible with materials stored nearby in containers,
c. The second major factor concerning the waste
open tanks, etc., by means of a dike, wall, berm, or
stream that impacts selection of disposal type is the
similar means.
chemical/physical characteristics
the waste.
e. Chemical composition may also impose some
Restrictions based on these characteristics are that
handling/disposal constraints. For example, if the waste
ignitable or reactive wastes may not be placed in a
material is defined as toxic by the EPA Extraction
facility unless the waste is rendered non-ignitable or non-
Procedure Toxicity Characteristic (40 CFR 261.24) or the
reactive and incompatible wastes may not be placed in
Acute Hazardous Waste Designation [40 CFR
the same facility.
261.11(2)], special handling or disposal methods may be
required. Another impact the design engineer should
4-2. Design and handling constraints imposed by
consider is the potential effect of toxic organic emissions
waste composition
from the treatment/disposal of selected halogenated
a. The physical and chemical characteristics of a
organic compounds; several states are now considering
particular waste impose the primary constraints in
the elimination of disposal of these materials.
managing these wastes. Characteristics which must be
considered include ignitability, reactivity, corrosivity,
4-3. Waste analysis plan
compatibility and physical state (liquid or a solid). Other
a. 40 CFR 264, subpart B, requires that owners or
operators of all hazardous waste management facilities
chemical makeup of the waste, its mobility in soil (and
obtain a chemical and physical analysis of a
water), metal concentrations and, indirectly, the
representative sample of all waste to be managed by
containerization method.
their facilities. At a minimum, the analysis must contain
b. Ignitability and reactivity are defined in 40 CFR
all the information necessary to treat, store, or dispose of
261. These definitions, in combination with the federal
the wastes properly in accordance with part 264.
requirements given in the Hazardous Waste Permit
b. The analysis may include data from part 261
constraints for individual hazardous waste facilities;
surface impoundments, waste piles, land treat