TM 5-813-3/AFM 88-10, Vol 3
g. Solids-contact basins. Provide two identical cir-
chamber for mixing, flocculation and slurry recircula-
cular, solids-contact units, equipped for mechanical
tion. Clarification and sludge removal take place in a
sludge removal. Units of this type are available from
peripheral slurry separation basin. Overall basin depth
is about 15 feet. Mixing, flocculation and slurry cy-
several manufacturers. While they may differ in cer-
tain details, all are generally similar in function and
cling equipment should be capable of recirculating the
design. They combine mixing and flocculation, in con-
slurry in the center chamber at a rate of 3 to 5 times
the unit's design throughout. For this example, each
tact with previously precipitated chemical solids, with
clarification and sludge removal in a single basin.
unit will handle one-half of the plant design flow (980
gpm). The internal recirculation capacity should,
Solids-contact basins commonly consist of a central