TM 5-813-3/AFM 88-10, Vol 3
all of the carbonate alkalinity is converted to bicarbon-
--Maximum CO2required for alkalinity conver-
sin drainage with a much smaller amount in filter
wash water. If wash water recovery is practiced, all
solids removed appear in basin drainage. Daily solids
production can be estimated from data on suspended
matter concentration in the raw water and by mass
balance calculations based on water softening and co-
agulation reactions. An estimate of daily solids pro-
duction is developed as follows: (Note that the follow-
ing calculations of daily solids production are based on
operation of the treatment plant at the design rate;
lower average rates of operation would reduce solids
production proportionately.)
(1) Rw water solids, If information on suspended
solids is available this should be used to estimate solids
derived from the raw water. In the absence of such in-
formation, turbidity values can be substituted as a
rough approximation. Raw water turbidity is assumed
to be 1000 units. Raw water solids to sludge is
(1000)(8.34)(2,82) or 23,500 pounds per day.
(2) Process solids. Chemical solids produced by
softening and coagulation are principally calcium car-