TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
(2) Slope. For children ages 3 to 5 years, net
climbers with a slope of 90 from the safety surface
will be selected. For children ages 5 and older, net
climbers with a slope of 60 or 90 from the safety
surface will be selected.
(3) Maximum Height. Net climbers installed at
90 will have a maximum height of 2400 mm (96
inches). Net climbers installed at 60 will have a
maximum height of 1400 mm (56 inches).
c. Use Zone. A minimum 2400 mm (96-inch) use
zone from all sides of the equipment will be pro-
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
Children who use wheelchairs and have upper body
strength can pull themselves up by holding onto the
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
required for this play equipment is high.
10-19. Fire Pole.
A fire pole is a vertical pole used as a sliding
surface that is attached to the platform of a compos-
Figure 10-17. Fire Pole.
ite structure (fig 1017). Children slide down the
pole to the safety surface while gripping the pole
with both arms and legs. Fire poles will be attached
to a composite structure. The pole will not be in-
stalled as freestanding equipment.
a. Recommended Ages. Fire poles are recom-
mended for children ages 5 through 12 years. The
equipment is not recommended for children under 5
b. Safety Guidelines.
(1) Maximum Height of Attached Platform. The
fire pole will be attached to a composite structure
platform that is a maximum height of 1400 mm (56
(2) Access to the Fire Pole. The space below the
fire pole transition platform will be designed to pre-
vent entrance from beneath the equipment into the
fire pole use zone.
c. Use Zone. A minimum 2400 mm (96-inch) use
Figure 10-18. Game Panel.
zone will be provided from all sides of the equip-
freestanding equipment. As part of a composite
d. Adaptations for Children With Disabilities.
structure, game panels can be used as a protective
This activity is not readily accessible to children
barrier or used as a ground-level play event.
with mobility limitations because of strength and
a. Recommended Ages. Game panels are recom-
recovery requirements. Children with visual limita-
mended for children of all ages.
tions may need assistance in recovery and dis-
b. Safety Guidelines. For infants to 2 years, game
panels will be provided that are a minimum height
e. Maintenance Level. The level of maintenance
of 500 mm (20 inches) when used as protective bar-
required for this play equipment is moderate.
riers. For children ages 2 to 5 years, game panels
will be provided that are a minimum height of 725
10-20. Game Panel.
mm (29 inches) when used as protective barriers
For children ages 5 to 12 years, game panels will be
Game panels are vertical surfaces that Include a
provided that are a minimum height of 950 mm (38
game, manipulative play event, or other play activ-
inches) when used as protective barriers.
ity (fig 1018). Game panels may be provided as