TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
sign review meeting may be open to interested com-
(4) Ground Surface Materials. Ground surface
materials, such as turf, sand, and concrete, should
munity members for public comment. After the re-
be identified. Safety surfacing will be clearly labeled
view, the designer will make recommended design
to distinguish it from other surface materials.
changes or refinements.
(5) Plant Materials. Locations for existing plant
materials which will be retained and proposed plant
6-5. Develop the Final Design Documents.
materials should be shown. The intended functional
The designer will convert the conceptual design
use of these materials should be described. Poison-
into final design documents in accordance with local
ous plants should be identified for removal.
policy and regulations.
(6) Existing Site Features. Existing structures
and other site features which are to be removed or
6-6. Create a Phased Development Plan.
retained should be noted. Any improvements
Ideally, funding will be available when the play
needed for child safety should be described. If exten-
area design begins. However, sometimes funding of
sive demolition or regrading is required, a separate
play areas becomes available in small increments. If
drawing should be added to address this work.
not properly planned, incremental development of
(7) Topography. Existing and proposed topogra-
play areas can create safety problems and inappro-
phy should be indicated. Spot elevations should be
indicated at critical points such as paths, struc-
priate play area relationships. Preparation of the
tures, existing trees, entrances to buildings, and
overall conceptual plan allows the project to be de-
major changes in grade.
veloped in orderly phases while maintaining child
(8) Accessibility. Accessibility for children and
safety and functional requirements. Therefore,
adults with disabilities will be provided in accord-
when initial funding is limited, the designer will
ance to this manual.
work with the play area committee to prioritize the
b. Cost Estimates. Preliminary cost estimates for
play area elements for phased development. The
the conceptual design should be developed. Quan-
phased development plan for each design is unique.
tity takeoffs and, if necessary, product manufact-
Depending on available funds, the first phase of
urer quotations for important design elements
development could include pathways, utilities,
should be included.
grading, and the most important play area compo-
c. Alternative Design Concepts. Alternate ideas
for specific play area components may be presented
if desired.
6-7. Coordinate with the Play Area Commit-
d. Specifications. Outline specifications should be
The engineering staff and play area committee
e. Product Cut Sheets. If needed to illustrate the
will review the final design submittals at desig-
design concept, catalogue cut sheets depicting the
nated intervals during the design process. In addi-
primary products proposed may be included.
tion, the installation safety manager will review the
6-4. Coordinate with the Play Area Committee.
documents for compliance with child safety require-
ments. The number of reviews will vary depending
The play area committee and the engineering
on the size of the project.
staff should review the conceptual design. This de-