TM 5-803-12
installation to another. Some installations are
step, it may be useful to identify undeveloped
areas around family housing areas or troop bar-
fortunate enough to have a large land area des-
racks. These areas are often uncommitted land
ignated on the Installation Master Plan for out-
which can later be designated for outdoor rec-
door recreation use. At other installations, land
reation use.
use is more constrained, and the outdoor rec-
b. Community parks. The siting of as many
reation director must compete with other in-
outdoor recreation facilities as possible in a
stallation interests for scattered parcels of
community park setting is encouraged during
undeveloped land with potential for recreation
the land use and evaluation period.
development. The selection of an acceptable lo-
c. Facilities allocation. When the carrying
cation for new facilities involves an evaluation
capacity of outdoor recreation areas has been
of existing land uses adjacent to the proposed
reviewed and adjusted as necessary, allocate fa-
site for compatibility y with the proposed use; dis-
cilities to the recreation areas. Compute antic-
tance of the proposed site from the intended
user population; the accessibility of the site;
ipated visitation for individual areas based on
proximity to convenience facilities; constraints
activities and facilities provided. Determine if
to development imposed by soils, bedrock geol-
outdoor recreation areas have surplus capacity.
ogy or other terrain features; availability of
Summary of outdoor
utilities; space requirements inherent with the
recreation constraints and
proposed facility or activity; and the general de-
sirability of the site.
a. Evaluation of outdoor recreation areas.
Prepare a written summary of outdoor recrea-
Locate on an installation map all existing and
tion constraints and opportunities realized by
proposed outdoor recreation areas (fig 4-5).
the evaluation of supply and demand. Such con-
Identify outdoor recreation facilities desig-
straints and opportunities include: limited
nated for the areas and their capacities. Eval-
carrying capacity restricting the development of
uate the possibility for renovation or expansion
outdoor recreation; demand deficit of installa-
of existing areas. Determine if renovation will
tion outdoor recreation requiring the use of rec-
improve areas and facilities to the point where
reation off-post; demand surplus of installation
their capacity will be increased, and if so, by how
outdoor recreation allowing potential use by the
much. When the capacities for both existing and
local community; and competition between in-
proposed areas and facilities yield a demand def-
stallation and market area recreation resulting
icit, look for other potential outdoor recreation
in diminished use of installation outdoor rec-
areas and identify them on the map. During this
reation areas.