TM 5-803-12
The market area needs 169 new developed camp-
generally occur on weekends or holidays. How-
sites to meet the unsatisfied demand for tent
ever, in most circumstances, recreation plan-
n e r s employ smaller numbers than those
b. If the demand for a given activity is greater
generated by peaks so that facilities are not
than the carrying capacity, the remaining or
overbuilt and underused. If a formula involves
surplus capacity is the basis for computation of
peaks, it is important to know if some adjust-
facility needs. The forecasted demand for tent
ment is made for their inclusion. Just as the
camping in the area of Fort Smith is 1,250,000
outdoor recreation director may need to revise
visits per year. The installation is in a north-
recreation standards, he should also assess the
temperate location and the area is substantially
value of any formula for his individual situa-
urbanized. Suitable land for development of ad-
tion. Two fairly simple methods of computing
ditional campgrounds is scarce, and the carrying
facility needs are described as follows. If the
number for demand in figure 4-4 is less than the
capacity is estimated to be 800,000 visits per year,
less than the forecasted demand. The existing
number for optimum carrying capacity, use the
supply of 625 campsites is being utilized at ca-
demand deficit number in conjunction with the
pacity, which is 500,000 visits per year. The rec-
use standard to compute the amount of addi-
reation season for tent camping in this location
tional facilities needed to satisfy demand. Oth-
is mid-April to mid-October, or about 200 days,
erwise, the difference between the carrying
because of harsh winter weather. The facility
capacity and the existing capacity forms the ba-
needs in this instance are calculated by sub-
sis for computation. Following are examples of
tracting existing capacity from the carrying ca-
these methods of computation:
a. If the demand for a given activity is less
than the optimal carrying capacity, the facility
800,000-500,000 = 300,000
needs are computed by first, changing the figure
for demand deficit to a positive number (change
The figure for remaining capacity is divided by
the sign) and then back-calculating to obtain
the length of the recreation season to obtain the
the amount of new facilities needed. For ex-
daily or one-time-use capacity:
ample, it is estimated that the demand for tent
300,000/200 = 1500 visits/day
camping in the area of Fort U.S. will be 375,000
visits per year in five years. The existing supply
This figure, in turn, is divided by the use stand-
of developed campsites can sustain an annual
ard of 4 persons per campsite to obtain the fa-
use of 240,000 visits, and current visitation is
cility needs, or in this case, the maximum number
nearly at capacity now. Ample land is available
of new campsites that potentially could be es-
for new campsite development and carrying ca-
tablished according to the estimate of carrying
pacity is estimated at over 525,000 visits per year.
The demand deficit for tent camping is 135,000
visits or 240,000 visits minus 375,000 visits. The
facility needs are computed by first changing the
Note that, in this example, it is not possible to
demand deficit to a positive number and then
meet the unsatisfied demand for camping as the
dividing this number by the number of days in
demand exceeds the total capacity of the area
the year that camping facilities are available for
to provide sites for this activity. The remaining
use. In the area of Fort U. S., which is a north-
portion of unmet demand should be satisfied by
temperate location with relatively harsh win-
facilities in adjacent market areas if possible.
ters, campgrounds are closed from mid-October
Alternatively, additional unsatisfied demand can
to mid-April. The length of the camping season
sometimes be met by improvement of existing
is about 200 days. Therefore, the initial calcu-
facilities to increase their use capacity or changes
lations are as follows:
in management such as extending the season of
Absolute value of 135,000 = 135,000
135,000/200 =
4-10. Outdoor recreation land
The figure above is the daily or one-time-use ca-
pacity needed to meet unsatisfied demand. The
Review existing and proposed outdoor recrea-
next step is to divide this number by the average
tion to determine its ability to adequately pro-
number of users per campsite which is 4 persons.
vide recreation activities and satisfy demand.
Land use conditions vary considerably from one
675/4 = 168.75