UFC 3-120-10
15 June 2006
5-3.5 Item Code Legend.
Provide a consolidated list of all FF&E items in the design package with the item code
and a short description of each item.
5-3.6 Item Installation List.
The Item Code Legend may be expanded to be used as an Item Installation List.
Indicate quantity per room, model number, manufacturer and which vendor is
responsible for installing each furnishings item. This provides a quick reference for
managing larger furniture installations.
5-3.7 Furnishings Order Forms.
One Furnishings Order Form will be prepared for each item specified in the design.
This form identifies all information required to order each individual item. In addition to
the project name and location, project number, and design submittal phase, the order
form must include:
a. Item Code and Name
b. General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Category (FSC) Group,
Part, Section and Schedule Name
c. SIN number
d. GSA contract number, expiration date, maximum order limit, shipping terms
e. GSA Contractor name, address (ordering and payment), phone, fax, email or
f. Manufacturer's name (if different from the Contractor), address, phone number
and contact information if different than the Contractor.
g. Dealership/Installer name, address, phone number and contact information
h. Ship-to address for example, some items are delivered directly to the site and
some to the installer's warehouse.
i. Federal Stock information (if applicable)
j. Product specification information, manufacturer's item name, series, model
number, description, dimensions, configuration, features or options
k. Finishes and fabrics - these must be coded to the furnishings illustration boards
l. An image of the item to be purchased - the image must be as close to the actual
item to be purchased or it must be noted that the image is representative or
similar if not the actual item. The illustration of each item may be shown on the
Furnishings Order Form or on other furnishings illustration materials (see 4-3.7).
m. Location of items indicating quantity of items used per room number
n. Total quantity of items used in the project
o. Unit cost
p. Extended or total cost
q. Shipping and cartoning costs
r. Special Instructions indicating packaging information, mounting heights
information, installation coordination notes, etc.