UFC 3-120-10
15 June 2006
documents. Coordinate signage design and selection with the installation design
guides. Accessible facilities will use signage which meets current ADAAG requirements
with regard to Braille, raised characters, finishes (contrast), type size, and mounting
height. If room names are subject to frequent change, an interchangeable message
strip will be used to facilitate removal and replacement. Signage schedules must be
coordinated with UFGS 10440 "Interior Signage". Also, see UFC 3-120-01 "Air Force
Sign Standard" for sign standards.
4-5.1 SID Binders.
Interior and exterior finish color binders must display actual samples of proposed
finishes required in the design of a project. Color boards are required at various
submittal phases as noted in the project's scope of work. Submit SID information and
samples in separate three ring binders with pockets on the inside of the covers. When
samples are numerous or thick, use more than one binder. Large D-ring binders are
preferred to O-ring binders. Fold out items must have a maximum spread of 25 1/2".
Each binder must be labeled on the outside spine and front cover with the following
information: Phase %, Date, SID, A-E firm, Project Title and Number, Location and
Volume number. Include the 09915 Color Schedule or the Room Finish Schedule and
Finish Color Schedule from the drawings. The interior designer must coordinate the SID
binder format with the installation design guides where applicable.
4-5.2 Narrative of Interior Design Objectives.
The SID binder is to include a narrative that discusses the building related finishes.
Include topics that relate to base standards, life safety, sustainable design issues,
aesthetics and durability. Discuss the Furniture Footprint Plan development and
features as it relates to the customer's requirements and the building design. This may
also be included in the Basis of Design or Design Analysis.
4-5.3 Finish Color Boards for SID Binders.
Finish Color boards must be in 8 1/2" x 11" format and sturdy enough to support
samples. Use page protectors that are strong enough to keep pages from tearing out.
Anchor large or heavy samples with mechanical fasteners, Velcro, or double-faced foam
tape rather than rubber cement or glue. Label finish samples with the material codes
used in the contract documents. Samples that are difficult to attach, or large samples,
such as ceiling tiles or flooring samples can be provided separately from the color board
in a loose sleeve. Samples must be labeled with the finish code so they can be
identified independently if removed from the binder.
Material and finish samples must indicate true pattern, color and texture. Photographs
or colored photocopies of materials or fabrics to show large overall patterns are required
in conjunction with actual samples to show the actual colors. Finish samples must be
large enough to show a complete pattern or design where practical. For example, if the