TI 800-06
23 October 1998
DD Form 1391 is completed. This applies to new construction or projects inserted into
the Short Range Component - Five Year Development Plan of the Capital Investment
Strategy. When the initial design authorization is received, contact NCPC to establish
FCIP status.
(1) Capital Improvement Definition. A 'capital improvement' is defined as a non-
recurring expenditure or any expenditure for physical facilities, including cost for
acquisition of existing buildings, land or interests in land; construction of new buildings
or other structures, including additions and major alterations; construction of highways
or utility lines; fixed equipment; landscaping; and similar expenditures. These capital
improvement expenditures can be funds appropriated by Congress; non-appropriated
Federal funds generated from sources, such as retail sales at US postal facilities,
military stores, and officer's clubs; funds generated by the private sector for
construction on Federal property; or funds generated by the private sector for
construction on private land provided the new structure is for occupancy and eventual
ownership by the Federal government. Construction projects meeting this definition are
(2) Exclusions. Relatively minor improvements not having long term impact or
are recurring items, such as maintenance or repair are not included in the scope of the
FCIP provided they are consistent with the approved real property master plan or
construction project design. A detail explanation is provided in the FCIP instruction.
Construction projects meeting this definition are excluded.
d. Army Installation or Department Responsibility. Submit plans or projects that
meet the capital improvement definition to update the record FCIP prior to the
Construction Program Year. Construction project scope changes to be submitted
include the following: function; intensity of use; maximum utilization; number of
employees; altering interior or exterior character of historic landmarks; or a minimum
10% change in the amount of the original cost estimate (increase or decrease).
(1) Documents. Consult with NCPC to determine the project documentation that
needs to be submitted. Acceptable documentation may include the following: The
Military Construction Project Data, DD Form 1391, with the financial; employment and
occupancy; vehicle circulation and parking; water consumption; waste water output;
solid waste disposal; historic preservation; and environmental assessment
(2) Delayed Project Design. Construction project designs that are submitted
without the project being discussed in the FCIP shall be delayed until
intergovernmental coordination of the project and consultation with OMB has been