TI 800-06
23 October 1998
CFA has provided favorable recommendations or approval.
a. General. The Commission reviews the Federal construction investment for the
NCR through the five-year FCIP. Each year the Commission prepares and adopts an
FCIP that contains the recommended Federal investment for the next five years. The
FCIP includes proposed land acquisitions; real property master planning activities; and
construction projects. The program is effective for accomplishing intergovernmental
coordination to identify potential adverse impacts of Federal projects with state and
local agencies at the earliest possible planning stage. The Commission provides
specific recommendations on projects, including comments on projects that may be at
variance with NCPC policies to include the Federal elements of the Comprehensive
Plan for the National Capital. The recommendations are categorized as follows:
recommended, recommended for deferral, or recommended for future consideration.
The adopted FCIP with the Commission's recommendations is submitted to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for consideration in preparing the President's
Annual Budget submission to Congress. The FCIP shows the total Federal investment
and changes in employment levels in the NCR.
b. Affected Army Installations or Departments. The following Army installations are
located in the NCR and required to make submittals to NCPC. All construction projects
located on these installations are to be submitted, regardless of the sponsoring
department or agency.
Adelphi Laboratory Center, MD.
Arlington National Cemetery, VA.
Fort Belvoir, VA.
Fort Myer Military Community - Fort McNair, DC.
Fort Myer Military Community - Fort Myer, VA.
Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity, VA.
Walter Reed Army Medical Center - Main Section, DC.
Walter Reed Army Medical Center - Forest Glen Section, MD.
U.S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore, Washington Aqueduct Division, DC.
c. Submission Requirements. Annually, in July of each year, NCPC requires the
updated Short Range Component - Five Year Development Plan of the Capital
Investment Strategy that includes construction projects be submitted for incorporation
into the next five-year FCIP. NCPC circulates the proposed FCIP for review and
comment prior to its adoption. Submit construction documentation for projects that
have not been entered in the FCIP as soon as the Military Construction Project Data,