TI 800-06
23 October 1998
(c) Determine the adequacy of the response to Section 106 of the National
Historical Preservation Act and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).
(d) Determine the adequacy of the Statement of Findings for a plan or
project located in a floodplain or wetland.
(e) Verify the status of the construction project in the current five-year FCIP.
(f) Establish the types of maps and reports; and the numbers of copies of
maps and other documents needed for jurisdiction review and comment.
(g) Establish submission stages; referral or non-referral; and oral
presentation requirements.
(h) Establish the content of the submission memorandum. Clarify
references to environmental assessment documentation; correspondence to the State
Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Statement of Findings; project employment
levels and transportation management requirements.
(2) Limitation. Limit discussions to securing information and assistance needed
to initiate proper master plan and project design submittals. Avoid actions, decisions or
agreements that would preempt DA or USACE requirements.
e. Formal Referral and Consultation.
(1) Timing of Referral. Proposed Army installation or department policies, plans
and programs are circulated for intergovernmental review as soon as they are
submitted and prior to any action thereon by the Commission. Provide the required
copies of maps and other documents needed for jurisdiction review and comment.
(2) Time Period for Review. Proposed real property master plans and certain
construction project designs are circulated to affected Federal and non-Federal
agencies for a period of 60 days for review and comment.
(3) Response to Formal Referral. Approximately two (2) weeks prior to the
scheduled Commission meeting the Executive Director's Recommendation is prepared.
All written responses received by the suspense date are considered in the preparation
of the Executive Director's Recommendation.