TI 800-06
23 October 1998
(3) Environmental Policies and Procedures. The Army installations or
departments shall direct, to the fullest extent possible, their policies, plans and
programs to protect and enhance environmental quality. The Commissions goal is to
avoid or minimize adverse environmental impacts. Except for any action determined to
be a categorical exclusion, include the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or an
environmental assessment with the real property master plan and construction project
submission. The Commission consults with appropriate Federal and non-Federal
agencies and with interested private persons or organizations when its involvement is
reasonably foreseeable. The Environmental Affairs Office of the Commission is
available to advise the Army installations or departments of studies or other information
foreseeably required for later Commission action. Prepare environmental policies and
procedures for master plans and project designs in accordance with the NCPC
Environmental Policies and Procedures. This document describes definitions; major
decision points; Federal involvement; delegations to Executive Director; actions
requiring an EIS; actions requiring an Environmental Assessment; categorical
exclusions; outline for an Environmental Assessment; and an outline of information for
preparation of an EIS (References: AR 200-1, AR 200-2, and AR 415-15).
(4) Antennas On Federal Property in the NCR. The Commission finds that
antennas, as well as antenna towers and structures, may adversely impact the
landscape, skyline and scenic character of the NCR. The Commission reviews all
antennas; and antenna towers and structures on Federal property, regardless of
Federal ownership, easement or lease. Prepare submission requirements for antennas
in accordance with the NCPC document, Guidelines and Submission Requirements for
Antennas on Federal Property In the NCR. This document describes the general
criteria applying to antenna installations; exceptions; review by the Executive Director;
renewal of antenna approvals; and submission requirements.
g. Army Installation or Department Responsibility. The Army Installation
Commander is responsible for meeting agenda milestones, intergovernmental
coordination and submission requirements. Prepare the submittal memorandum with
the subject and content described as established at the early consultation. Provide
submittal documents a minimum fourteen (14) calendar days prior to agenda suspense
date. Verify the construction project is carried in the current five-year FCIP to ensure
design authorizations and programming of funds continue. When the initial design
authorization is received, contact NCPC to establish early consultation; submittal
requirements; and FCIP status. Projects requiring both NCPC and CFA review shall be
submitted concurrently to ensure comments from both Commissions are available prior
to preparing final real property master plan and construction project documents.
Should CFA not approve an action, the action cannot go forward through NCPC until