TI 800-06
23 October 1998
and other documents needed for review and comment.
(5) Establish submission stages and oral presentation requirements.
(6) Establish the content of the submission memorandum. Clarify references to
environmental assessment documentation; correspondence to the State Historic
Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Statement of Findings; project employment levels and
transportation management requirements.
(7) Limit discussions to securing information and assistance needed to initiate
proper master plan and project design submittals. Avoid actions, decisions and
agreements that would preempt DA or USACE requirements.
d. Meeting Dates. CFA schedules meeting dates the third Thursday of each
month. Verify the dates by contacting CFA.
e. Oral Presentations. Establish the procedures to be used to present the proposal
before CFA. Submit presentation materials for CFA review a minimum ten (10) days
prior to the meeting date.
f. Review with Comment and Approval. CFA review with comments or approvals
are separate from NCPC. Should CFA not approve a real property master plan or
construction project design, it cannot go forward through NCPC until CFA has provided
favorable recommendations or approval.
g. Army Installation or Department Responsibility. The Army Installation
Commander is responsible for meeting submittal requirements and agenda milestones.
Prepare the submittal memorandum with the subject and content described as
established at the early consultation. Provide submittal documents a minimum fourteen
(14) calendar days prior to the agenda suspense date. Projects requiring both NCPC
and CFA review shall be submitted concurrently to ensure comments from both
Commissions are available prior to preparing final real property master plan and
construction project design documents.