UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
Policy and Procedures. Accompany contract modification with a detailed cost estimate
that can be used in the negotiation of contract modification.
Provide a Continuation Sheet for an Amendment and a Proposed Change Sheet for a
contract modification with an explanation of the changes. Where drawings, sketches,
RFP sections, or specifications are replaced or added, attach the document PDF file
separately, and reference in the Continuation Sheet or Proposed Change Sheet in
accordance with guidance below. When multiple drawing, sketch, RFP section, or
specification files are replaced or added, combine the documents by type into a single
file, and bookmark each document; i.e. combine the drawings into a single file and
bookmark each drawing, and combine the specification sections into a single file and
bookmark each section. Follow file size limitations discussed in paragraph 7-3.5.1.
Prior to submittal of an amendment or contract modification, contact the Government
representative for the number of the amendment or contract modification.
Language Format.
Use Table 11-1 "Specifications or RFP Changes Format" and Table 11-2 "Drawing
Changes Format" for guidance on how to format the language for changes. Note that
any additions, deletions, or replacement of complete specification sections should be
done at the Table of Contents; do not list the section separately within the document by
Section number and title with note to add, delete, or replace the section. Note that
adding, deleting or replacing a drawing or sketch in its entirety is done at Section 00 01
15 (00102), List of Drawings; do not list each drawing or sketch separately with a note
to add, delete, or revise the entire drawing.
Continuation Sheet.
Use the Continuation Sheet for Amendments. A sample Continuation Sheet is provided
at Figure 11-1. Follow the specific guidance for RFP, drawing, and specification
Proposed Change Sheet.
Use a Proposed Change Sheet for contract modifications. A sample sheet is provided
at Figure 11-2. Use the guidance for amendments and changes for language and