UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
The Basis of Design shall include a paragraph briefly describing the geotechnical
investigation program, the recommendations for the site preparation, and the
recommendations for the building foundation and pavement design.
It is preferred that the geotechnical report be included in the Basis of Design as an
appendix. However, the schedule may preclude the completion of the field investigation
prior to the submittal of the Basis of Design. If this is the case, describe the assumed
basis of design for the foundations and pavement, and submit the geotechnical report
as soon as possible, and as acceptable to the Government. Comply with additional
requirements of Geotechnical report as described in Chapter 9.
Design calculations shall be submitted at design stages indicated in the contract.
Calculations shall include references to all Navy and non-Navy criteria used. Computer
outputs shall be properly identified and appropriately referenced as to the program
name, version and source. Prepare calculations in metric units when metric design is
required. For additional information and specific requirements by discipline, refer to the
Discipline-Specific UFCs and the contract requirements.
Calculations shall be bound documents, 8 " X 11". Provide a cover sheet identifying
the document as the Calculations, and include the submittal stage, project title and
location, A-E Contract or Construction Contract number, eProjects Work Order Number
or Maximo Number, firm, Command, or Contractor name, and date. Organize
calculations by discipline in the same order as the drawings and bind in a manner
appropriate to the number of sheets included. An index shall follow the title sheet. Sub-
indexes shall be provided for disciplines having a very large number of sheets. All
sheets shall be numbered and page numbers included in the index.
Discipline Requirements.
In addition to the calculations required by the Discipline-Specific UFCs, include the
following for Geotechnical and Pavement Requirements:
The geotechnical calculations normally appear in the geotechnical report;
however, they may be in a separate package if another consultant other than the
geotechnical consultant prepares the calculations for foundations or pavement.
The calculations should indicate the loadings, capacities, the safety factors, and
the text from which the calculations were based for the foundation and