UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
Drawing PDF file(s) electronically signed by the Professional(s) in Responsible
RFP or Specification PDF file electronically signed by the Professional in
responsible charge in the "Submitted By:" Section
CD-R #2 - Source Files (2 Copies)
/CADD folder - All Native CADD Files for all disciplines; include all X-refs, image,
or other external reference files.
/Specifications folder - All Specification source files
/PullData folder (-.sec files)
/RFP folder - All source files of RFP package, further divided by subfolders into
Parts, except for specification section files or CADD files.
/Calculations folder (pdf and input/source files)
/Support folder
/Reports-Surveys- Studies folder
/Basis of Design folder
/Architectural Color Boards folder (photos)
/Other folder (Photos, Project background/support files, etc.)
CD-R #3 - Cost Data (-.pwz file) (1 copy)
Minimum Record Drawing Submittal Requirements.
Submit Four CDs. Each shall have the following folders and content.
/Record Drawings/
/CADD - All record CADD files and X-refs for all disciplines shall be stored in
the same folder (directory).