UFC 1 -300-08
30 JUNE 2004
GLAC General Ledger Accounting Code
IBE Installed Building Equipment
IFS-Integrated Facilities System (Army)
IJO -Individual Job Order
IMA Installation Management Agency (Army
iNFADS Internet Navy Facilities Asset Data Store
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
NAVFAC-Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NGB-National Guard Bureau
PCE Project Cost Estimate
P&D Planning & Design
PP&E Plant, Property & Equipment
RFP-Request for Proposal
RPAO-Real Property Accountable Officer
S&A-Supervision and Administration
STARS FL Standard Accounting and Reporting System Field Level
USACE-US Army Corps of Engineers
USP&FO-United State Property and Fiscal Officer
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Inter-service agency responsible for Exchange
stores and related facilities. AAFES is responsible for construction and operations and
maintenance of their facilities in CONUS.
Automated Civil Engineer System Real Property Air Force Base Civil Engineer
management system. Repository for Air Force Real Property Data