Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Building and Other
StructuresChapter 1: Introduction - ufc_3_220_03fa0012Report of subsurface and designChapter 2: Identification and Classification of Soil and RockTable 2-1. A Simplified Classification of Natural Soil DepositsTable 2-1. A Simplified Classification of Natural Soil Deposits-Cont.Figure 2-1. Distribution of natural soil deposits In the United States.Soil classificationFigure 2-2. Typicalgrain-size distribution curvesTable 2-3. Unified Soil Classification SystemFigure 2-3. Weight-volume relationshipsTable 2-4. Descriptive Soil Names Used in Local Areas (L)and Names Widely UsedTable 2-5. A Simplified Classification for RocksTable 2-6. Descriptive Criter for RockTable 2-6. Descriptive Criter for Rock -Cont. - ufc_3_220_03fa0025Table 2-6. Descriptive Criter for Rock -Cont. - ufc_3_220_03fa0026Table 2- 7. Engineering Classification of Intact RockFigure 2-4. Modified core recovery as in index of rock qualityFigure 2-5. Classification of shalesChapter 3: Engineering Properties of Soil and RockFigure 3-1. Typical CE 55 compaction test dataTable 3-1. Typical Engineering Properties of Compacted MaterialsFigure 3-3. Angle of friction versus dry density for coarse-grained soilsConsolidationFigure 3-5. A summary of soil permeabilities and methods of determinationFigure 3-6. Examples of laboratory consolidation test dataFigure 3- 7. Analyses of consolidation test dataCompression indexExpansion and recompressionTable 3-2. Estimating Degree of PreconsolidationCoefficient of consolidationFigure 3-10. Approximate correlations for swelling index of silts and claysFigure 3-11. Correlations between coefficient of consolidation and liquid limitSwelling, shrinkage, and collapsibilityShear strength of soilsFigure 3-14. Shear test apparatus and shearing resistance of soils.Figure 3-15. Remoltded shear strength versus liquidity index relationships for different claysFigure 3-16. Normalized variation of su/p0 ratio for overconsolidated clayEffective strength parameters, cohesive soilsFigure 3-17. General relationship between sensitivity, liquidity index, and effective overburden pressureElastic properties (E, ). The elastic modulusFigure 3-19. Relation between residual friction angle and plasticity indexFigure 3-20. Chart for estimating undrained modulus of clayFigure 3-21. Coefficient of earthpressure at rest (K0) as a function of overconsolidated ratio and pasticity indexTable 3- 7. An Engineering Evaluation of ShalesTable 3-8. Physical Properties of Various ShalesChapter 4: Field ExplorationsSoil boring programTable 4-2. Recommended Undisturbed Sample DiametersTable 4-3. Recommended Minimum Quantity of Material for General Sample Laboratory TestingField measurements of relative density and ConsistencyBoring logsFigure 4-3. Correction factor for vane strengthFigure 4-4. Typical log of boringGeophysical explorationFigure 4-6. Determination of permeability from field pumping test on a fully penetrating well in an artesian aquiferTable 4-4. Surface Geophysical MethodsBorehole surveyingTable 4-5. Borehole Surveying DevicesTable 4-5. Borehole Surveying Devices -Cont. - ufc_3_220_03fa0070Table 4-5. Borehole Surveying Devices -Cont. - ufc_3_220_03fa0071Chapter 5: Settlement AnalysesTable 5-1. Causes of SettlementTable 5-2. Value of Angular Distortion (δ/ϑ) That Can Be Tolerated Without CrackingSettlement of foundations on clayFigure 5-1. Vertical stress beneath a uniformly loaded rectangular areaFigure 5-2. Vertical stress beneath a triangular distribution of load on a rectangular areaFigure 5-3. Influence value for vertical stress under a uniformly loaded circular areaFigure 5-4. Example of settlement analysisFigure 5-5. Time factors for various boundary conditionsSettlement of cohesionless soilsTable 5-4. Methods of Eliminating, Reducing, or Coping With SettlementsChapter 6:Bearing Capacity AnalysisTable 6-1. Estimates of Allowable Bearing PressureFigure 6-1. Ultimate hearing capacity of shallow foundations under vertical, eccentric loads.Figure 6-2. Ultimate bearing capacity with groundwater effectTension forcesFigure 6-4. Example of bearing capaclty computation for inclined eccentric load on rectangular footing.Figure 6-5. Ultimate bearing capacity of deep foundationsFigure 6-6. Bearing capacity factors for strip and circular footings on layered foundations in clayTable 6-2. Allowable Bearing Pressure for Jointed RockChapter 7: Dewatering and Groundwater ControlChapter 8: Slope Stability AnalysisSlope stability chartsDetailed analyses of slope stabilityFigure 8-1. Slope stability charts for φ = 0 soilsFigure 8-2. Reduction factors (q, w, w') for slope stability charts for φ =0 and φ >0 soilsFigure 8-3. Reduction factors (tension cracks, t) for slope stability charts for φ = 0 and φ > O soilsFigure 8-4. Example of use of charts forslopes in soils with uniform strength and φ = 0Figure 8-5. Slope stabdilty charts for φ > 0 soilsFigure 8-6. Stability charts for infinite slopesFigure 8- 7. Slope stability charts for φ = 0 and strength increasing with depthFigure 8-8. Method of moments for φ = 0Figure 8-9. Example problem for ordinary method of slicesFigure 8-10. Example of use of tabular form for computing weights of slicesFigure 8-11. Example of use of tabular form for calculating factor of safety by ordinary method of slicesFigure 8-12. Example of simplified wedge analysisTable 8-1. Methods of Stabilizing Slopes and LandslidesChapter 9: Selection of Foundation TypeAdverse subsurface conditionsTable 9-2. Checklist for Influence of Site Charateristics on Foundation Selection for Family HousingChapter 10. Spread Footings and Mat FoundationsFigure 10-1. Example of method for selecting allowable bearing pressureFigure 10-2. Proportioning footings on cohesionless soilsFigure 10-3. Distribution of bearing pressuresSpecial requirements for mat foundationsField plate load test procedureChapter 11: Deep Foundations Including Drilled PiersFigure 11-1. Effect of pore pressure dissipation during excavation and settlement responseFigure 11-2. Excavation rebound versus excavation depthFigure 11-3. Probable settlements adjacent to open cutsExcavation protectionTable 11-1. Excavation ProtectionTable 11-1. Excavation Protection -Cont. - ufc_3_220_03fa0124Table 11-1. Excavation Protection -Cont. - ufc_3_220_03fa0125Drilled piersTable 11-2. Design Parameters for Drilled Piers in ClayEstimating the load capacity of a drilled pierChapter 12: Pile FoundationsChapter 13: Foundations on Expansive SoilsChapter 14: Retaining Walls and Excavation Support SystemsFigure 14-1. Load diagrams for retaining wallsFigure 14-2. Active pressure of sand with planar boundariesFigure 14-3. Passive pressure of sand with planar boundariesDesign procedures for retaining wallsFigure 14-5. Horizontal pressures on walls due to surchargeFigure 14-6. Design loads for low retaining walls, straight slope backfillFigure 14-7. Design loads for low retaining walls, broken slope backfillFigure 14-8. Estimates of increased pressure induced by compactionFigure 14-9. Design criteria for crib and bin wallsStrutted excavationsTable 14-1. Types of WallsTable 14-1. Types of Walls -Cont.Table 14-2. Factors Involved in Choice of a Support System for a Deep ExcavationTable 14-3. Design Considerations for Braced and Tieback WallsTable 14-3. Design Considerations for Braced and Tieback Walls -Cont.Stability of bottom of excavationFigure 14-12. Stability of bottom of excavation in clayAnchored wallsFigure 14-14. Methods of calculating anchor capacities in soilAnchored walls -Cont.Chapter 15: Foundations on Fill and BackfillingCompaction requirements - ufc_3_220_03fa0153Table 15-1. A summary of Density Methods for Building FoundatioTable 15-2. Compaction Density as a Percent of CE 55 Labortory Test DensitSettlements of hydraulic fillsChapter 16. Stabilization of Subgraade SoilsTable 16-1. Stabilization of Soils for Foundations of StructureTable 16-1. Stabilization of Soils for Foundations of Structures-Continued - ufc_3_220_03fa0159Table 16-1. Stabilization of Soils for Foundations of Structures-Continued - ufc_3_220_03fa0160Table 16-1. Stabilization of Soils for Foundations of Structures-Continued - ufc_3_220_03fa0161Table 16-1. Stabilization of Soils for Foundations of Structures-Continued - ufc_3_220_03fa0162Table 16-2. Applicability of Foundation Soil Improvement for Different Structures and Soil Types (for efficient use of Shallow Foundations)Figure 16-1. Applicable grain-size ranges for different stabilization methods.Figure 16-2. Range of particle-size distributions suitable for densification by vibrocompaction.Vibrodisplacement compactionFigure 16-3. Sand densification using vibratory rollersGrouting and injection - ufc_3_220_03fa0168Figure 16-5. Allowable bearing pressure on cohesionless soil layers stabilized by vibroflotationPrecompressionFigure 16-6. Soil particle sizes suitable for different grout types and several concentrations and viscosities shownReinforcementStabilization using fills - ufc_3_220_03fa0173Chapter 17: Design Equipment Vibrations and Seismic LoadingsFigure 17-1. Response spectra for tibraton limitsFigure 17-3. Six modes of vibration for a foundationTable 17-1. Mass ratio, Damping Ration, and Spring Constant for Rigid Circular Footing on the Semi-Infinite Elastic BodyEffects of shape of foundationFigure 17-5. Examples of computations for vertical and rocking motionsTable 17-2. Values of kL/L for Elastic Layer (k from Table 17-1Figure 17-6. Coupled rocking and sliding motion of foundation Wave transmission, attenuation, isolationFigure 17-7. Distribution of displacement waves from a circular footing on the elastic half-space.Figure 17-8. Theoretical relation between shear velocity ratio Vp/Vs and Poisson's ratioFigure 17-9. Idealized cyclic stress-strain loop for soilTable 17-4. Values of Constant r Used with Equation (17-23) to Estimate Cyclic Shear Modulus at Low StrainsSettlement and liquefactionFigure 17-10. Variation of shear modulus with cyclic strain amplitude; Gmax = G at Ε = 1 to 3 x 10-4 percent; scatter in data up to about 0.1 on vertical scaleFigure 17-11. Variation of viscous damping with cyclic strain amplitude, data scatter up to about 50 percent of average dumping values shown for any strainTable 17-6. Criteria for Excluding Need for Detailed Liquefaction AnalysesSeismic effects on foundationsChapter 18: Foundations in Areas in Areas of Significant Frost PenetrationFigure 18-1. Frost and permafrost in North AmericaFactors affecting design of foundationsFigure 18-3. Ground temperatures during freezing season In Fairbanks, AlaskaSite investigations - ufc_3_220_03fa0196Foundation design - ufc_3_220_03fa0197Figure 18-4. Design alternativesFoundations in permafrost areasFoundation insulation Control of movement and distortionFigure 18-5. Heave force tests, average tangential adfreeze bond stress versus time, and timber and steel pipe pilesDesign criteria for various specific engineering features