From the analysis output; Vu,column = 2.37 k (10.5KN)
Check Shear;
φv Vn = 77.5k (344.7KN)
per AISC LRFD 2nd ed. maximum uniform load tables
∴ Vu,column = 2.37 k < 77.5k = φv Vn (10.5KN < 344.7KN)
(1) Moment Frames without truss (High Roof).
There will be one design used for the worst case situation and this design will be used throughout the high
roof. The worst case situation is the interior moment frame because it supports the largest tributary area.
Determine Design Loads:
Live load reduction per ANSI/ASCE 7-95;
AT = 15' 30' = 450-ft2 (41.8m2)
( )
R1 = 1.2-0.001(AT)
= 1.2-0.001(450-ft2)
= 0.75
Roof slope is flat ∴ R2 = 1.0
∴ wLR = 15' 20psf)0.75 = 225plf (3.28KN/m)
wDR = 15' 18.7psf)
= 280plf (4.08KN/m)
PDR = 5.9psf(11' (15' = 974-lb (4.33KN) (point load due to wt. of side walls)
Note: Weight of story panel is conservatively placed at the top of the column.
ER = 1.0QE = 1.17k (5.20KN) (applied as a uniform load of 1.17k/30' = 39plf (0.57KN/m) along the
beam length)
Second Floor:
Note: there is no live load reduction at this level because the floor consists of a one way slab.
wLF = 15' 40psf) = 600plf (8.75KN/m)
wDF = 15' 84.8psf)
= 1,272plf (18.55KN/m)
PDF = 5.9psf(5.5' (15' = 487-lb (2.17KN) (point load due to wt. of side walls)
EF = 1.0QE = 1.0(0.90k+0.004k) = 0.904k (4.02KN)(includes torsion effects, and is applied as a
uniform load of 0.904k/30'= 30.1plf (0.44KN/m) along the beam length)
1-in = 25.4mm
1-ft = 0.30m
1plf = 14.58N/m